
“Dwayne pushed super hard for it. Read last week’s issue and this week’s. The card changed when Punk & Brock were out and all the dominoes fell. Dwayne already wanted it and they felt they now needed it as well. Felt this was better to change the news flow away from Vince.

Cody was the plan. Dwayne was going to face him later, maybe next year’s Mania, maybe Saudi. Shit happens with Vince and Punk, the Vince thing ends up worse than they thought and they changed the plan. I literally didn’t know until yesterday that it could change and then I was told it’s under lock. But 100% it was Punk vs. Seth and Cody vs. Reigns until Punk got hurt.”

  • @ImADifferentBird
    55 months ago

    Just goes to show that, at the top, WWE hasn’t changed. Everything Punk said in 2011, everything that led Cody to walk away in the first place, is still absolutely true.

  • HelloThere
    55 months ago

    “That doesn’t work for me brother - HH” - Dwayne Johnson, 2024.

    • GeekFTWOP
      45 months ago

      Appointed to the board one week, top of the company the next, the WWE way lmao.

      • Zymi
        55 months ago

        I jokingly said that he could take a McMahon like position where he was both an exec and performer, buti thought he was too busy to actually do it

      • JelloBrains
        45 months ago

        Hmmm… where have I heard this one before… oh yeah, when he tried to strong-arm control of DC and WB showed his ass the door… unfortunately TKO-WWE won’t do that, they gave him the “kingdom” so to speak.

        Then he went through all those PR good guy moves, only to end up here. I’m starting to think Vinn Diesel might not have been the problem on the Fast & Furious set.

        Now they’ll have Paul Heyman try and carry this shit for 2 months to Mania because those part-timers won’t work every week… I’ll be surprised if Rock works more than two times before Mania.

        • @ImADifferentBird
          45 months ago

          The balance of power in the WWE Universe is about to change.

        • TellumSiege
          45 months ago

          I’m starting to think Vinn Diesel might not have been the problem on the Fast & Furious set.

          Great point. That drama didn’t even cross my mind.

  • katy ✨
    45 months ago

    i’m sorry but cody getting pushed aside so an executive at the top of the company could go over will never not be hilarious karma.

    35 months ago

    What’s Cody got to do with Vince being a sex trafficker and Punk getting injured? God dammit.

    25 months ago

    I barely follow WWE news, and haven’t watched anything since switching to NJPW in 2017, and then AEW when it launched; but I always thought from what i’d heard of big news that Rock v Roman was a match that was always going to happen, and assumed that the only place it would ever happen was Wrestlemania.

    So as a mostly disconnected, not even casual fan, I figured Cody winning the Rumble and picking Rollins was always the plan, otherwise they’d what, wait until next year for Rock-Roman?

    I wonder if that only changed once Punk imploded, got himself fired and then became available for WWE again?

      • GeekFTWOP
        35 months ago

        The Universal and WWE championships are both still on Roman as the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship.

        Back in April HHH came out and did the ol ‘you deserve a champion who’ll be here’ shtick and created a new World Heavyweight Championship (with a new title lineage, as the old World Heavyweight Championship’s lineage was folded into the WWE Championship) which is currently held by Seth Rollins (it’s first and only holder so far).

        99% of viewers acknowledge the World title as the ‘B’ belt to the Undisputed one(s) given it was literally made as the consolation prize belt.