• Picture PigOP
    45 months ago

    i wanted to say “>w<” in title but for some reasons it turned to “>w<” maybe its bc of ASCII chars

    • max
      5 months ago

      lemmydoes weird things with html escape characters, u could try using a backslash? anyway im prettysure u can edit titles on lemmy, so u can just play w it till it looks right mrrp :3

      • Picture PigOP
        35 months ago

        so its reminds me of C (Programming Language) :3

  • max
    45 months ago

    yayyyy !! proud of u meowz >w<

  • @pixeltree
    35 months ago

    Ooooo congrats! I bought a bunch of fabric and some patterns yesterday and I’m gonna sew a skirt and an extra long hoodie and a cute top or two and maybe some short shorts if I can find a good pattern online

    • Picture PigOP
      35 months ago

      awesome >w< i cannot get all of this rn bc of my current conditions but i might do it slowly or do it when i moved out :D so wish me luck