EDIT: since apparently a bunch of people woke up with the wrong foot this morning or forgot to check the group they’re in:
This is a joke. Do not steal or vandalize speed enforcement cameras (or anything else for that matter). That’s against the law and you will likely get arrested.
If you’re addicted to crack or any other drugs, please seek professional help.
The minimum cost of a speeding ticket in Finland is €125 which is closer to an average American speeding ticket, not the minimum.
So what’s the point? How does this not make it more equitable to adjust it by income from there? That’s still extremely more equitable than our wildly unjust system that’s only designed to punish the poor.
Weirdly confrontational?
Average ticket is 150 in America, which is pretty close to 135.
So a speeding ticket in Finland likely wouldn’t benefit poor people, but it would hurt rich people more.
I’m in the lower income bracket, and I haven’t had one that low since the 90s. That figure must be skewed by places like Nowhereville where the police are so corrupt that they issue $10 tickets to family members or something, because $150 is not a realistic figure for most people. I bet if we looked into that, we’d find some really creative methodology.
$150? Ain’t no way…
Or you are admittedly a repeat offender, which would likely also increase your fines in Finland.
Heres NY, which I can imagine we agree isnt Nowhereville.
Minimum fine for up to 10mph over is 45$. 90$ for 10-30mph over. 30+mph over is a minimum of 180$
How much are you (plural) even speeding to have such expensive tickets?
Or do you get a $150+ ticket for driving 70 in a 60 zone?