I’ve known I’ve been bacon since a very young age.
How long have you known?
I think deep down, I’ve always known I’m lettuce.
I’ve known I was guacamole since I had a crush on Joey Tribbiani when I was 4.
I’m then a Cheese Iceberg Sandwich. Either way, now I’m getting hungry.
I don’t trust prepackaged food from S&M brand without a safety date and maybe a word of warning first.
Always have a safety word. ✅
I’m thankful that I love guacamole. I’d hate to be represented by a condiment I don’t much care for.
Lucky, fuckers made my Jewish ass into treyf
Needs queso
But I hate Tomato
Ugh, no another LGBT, hold the t.
TIL I’m bacon
Tomato, tomahto, avacado… we all have our preferences but, dammit, sit down and eat if it looks delicious
I came for the tomato lettuce salad and then somenone put Bacon in it. Who does that???
Am I homophobic now because I think guacamole is gross?