For note taking, you might even get by without self-hosting, looking at software like Obsidian which works perfectly fine with just SyncThing to sync between devices, or just literally any other file syncing solution, self-hosted or otherwise.
Obsidian is great. I’ll also throw into the discussion. I just switched from obsidian to it because it better suits my workflow for taking notes.
It’s not quite as full featured as Evernote, but I like Joplin. It can sync using Nextcloud, OneDrive, WebDAV, and other services. It’s end to end encrypted and works well on Android!
And that is why I self-host as much as I can
What’s a good self hosted thinking like Evernote?
For note taking, you might even get by without self-hosting, looking at software like Obsidian which works perfectly fine with just SyncThing to sync between devices, or just literally any other file syncing solution, self-hosted or otherwise.
Obsidian is great. I’ll also throw into the discussion. I just switched from obsidian to it because it better suits my workflow for taking notes.
Trilium is great as well
It’s not quite as full featured as Evernote, but I like Joplin. It can sync using Nextcloud, OneDrive, WebDAV, and other services. It’s end to end encrypted and works well on Android!
What platform? Windows? Unix? Linux?
Linux and Windows but will also need to support Android
Know anything that I can move all my pdf’s to that has preview and search like evernote?