• @pancake@lemmy.ml
    8311 months ago

    Do you expect this is a reflection of how Reddit will handle relations with its investors?

    Holy shit, they killed him right there. They have put the thread in “sort by new” mode and I bet it’s just to bury that bomb as deep as they can.

    • @Dalek@beehaw.org
      3011 months ago

      Apollo didn’t auto switch it for me so it was at the top lol. Of course Spez ignored that one. He actually took a shot at Christian in another comment

        • @Dalek@beehaw.org
          1911 months ago

          Same. I just started today and I’m having fun with it. Feels like when I just started Reddit. Definitely not as many communities but I feel like it’ll get there.

          • @couragethebravedog@lemmy.ml
            1111 months ago

            Yeah it will. Even it doesn’t reach critical mass if it just becomes a tight nit community on here I’m fine with that.

            • @Contend6248@feddit.de
              111 months ago

              I think Reddit was just to big anyway, i think we are just early for the big wave when the changes over there are through.

              • qprimed
                111 months ago

                the nice thing with federation is that you can always find a smaller community on a smaller instance if thats what you want while still having access to the larger ones. its… magical! :-)

          • BR0QM
            1011 months ago

            I hopped onto Lemmy yesterday when I saw the news that Sync was shutting down. Already enjoying the communites more than I ever was on reddit.

            • narukamiyu
              1111 months ago

              Is Lemmy the biggest contender for a Reddit alternative rn?

              • @TIB3R@sh.itjust.works
                711 months ago

                It’s the only one I’ve heard of so I’d assume so but I’m also curious to know the answer to your question too.

                • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
                  1411 months ago

                  It’s definitely one of the ones with the most promise. I say “one of the ones” because there’s also kbin and it literally doesn’t matter which one you use, you get the same content. Any new fediverse reddit-like that pops up is also swimming in the same stream, can only compete on features and administration, not on content lock-in. The fediverse is pretty dope.

        • @asexualchangeling@lemmy.ml
          11 months ago

          I’ve never tried Apollo, and haddent heard of it until the reddit api stuff happened, but I fully respect everything I’ve seen it’s dev do sense

    • V ‎ ‎
      1011 months ago

      The absolute destruction of the man. And to make things even worse he continued to dig in the Apollo dev. Unbelievable!

  • @ArtVandelay@lemmy.world
    6411 months ago

    Why the fuck did they even remotely think this would be a good idea anyway? There is literally 0 good will towards reddit right now and for good reason.

      • @monobot@lemmy.ml
        4411 months ago

        I just checked and my account on lemmy is 3 years old, I was waiting for all of you. At moments lemmy looked like it will take of by it self, but last few months was pretty quiet. I hope this is the push this community needs to succeed.

        Reddit got too big for my taste since digg joined in, I don’t think this will kill it ( they have the data how many people is using it outiside official apps), but let’s make space out of it.

            • qprimed
              11 months ago

              the dev for RedReader (minimalist and awesome FLOSS reddit client) has indicated RR will be targeting Lemmy as soon as Lemmy instances smooth out after an anticipated load ramp up from reddit defectors. I am sure others are planning the same thing.

              • @MRPP@sopuli.xyz
                311 months ago

                Absolutely great news. RedReader was my go-to app for a while now. The absolute dedication to function over form is/was praise-worthy.

              • @Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.ml
                211 months ago

                Probably not just waiting for instances to smooth out, but waiting to see if reddit actually follows through. I think they likely will, but there is an off chance heads roll when they realize all the people creating, aggregating, and moderating their site are the ones that are pissed off and leaving. The casuals may not care directly about this decision, but they will when the content goes to shit.

              • @radarsat1@lemmy.ml
                511 months ago

                While I agree that porting one of these great reddit clients to a new platform like Lemmy is the way to go, I don’t see why it should be done by the individual developer instead of treated as a community effort. We’ll just end up in the same boat again where he’s piggy backing on another project (Lemmy, etc) to build a closed-source business that only he profits from. And while I have no problem with people selling apps they wrote, if none of these developers are going to open source their work so that the community can participate, I’d rather see a longer term effort go into improving FOSS solutions.

            • Mcbinary
              511 months ago

              I’m using jerboa currently. Albeit very new to the app, but I’m still a bit put off by the lack of options for personization and features. It also desperately needs an in app browser so all the links stop sending me out of the app.

              There is definitely potential here, but leaves a lot to be desired.

            • @Scaldart@lemmy.world
              111 months ago

              Yeah, honestly it isn’t too bad. I was a little put-off by the size of everything at first, but, when I checked the settings, there is an option to change the size of the font—and that really helped.

              All in all, it isn’t perfect, but I am enjoying it so far. I look forward to seeing it grow and improve!

        • @BaroqueInMind@lemmy.ml
          11 months ago

          All it took was for a few power users, aka content thieves, someone like MrBabyMan who’s spent all their conscious energy and time submitting entertaining content from other less user friendly platforms, to convince a majority of users on the internet to pay attention to reddit more.

          Simply getting more content, regardless of its quality or dubious origin, only as long as it is interesting or entertaining, will draw more users here. This is probably not what people want, but that’s what it will take for Lemmy to take off.

        • @ture@rational-racoon.de
          811 months ago

          If one was still browsing reddit using rif and seldomly old reddit it somehow still felt similar to what it was 10 or more years ago. Over time I ditched Facebook and some other social media I used but Reddit somehow stayed. Maybe because it was the “anonymous” one, the one I just used for myself without sharing my account with my real-life friends.

          Anyway thanks for waiting for us, took some time for me to get up and leave reddit. I hope others will follow, but so far even for me as a software dev/ architect it was quite a change to switch to fediverse services. Maybe it’ll be smoother when you’re joining bigger servers but let’s see what the future brings. As a fan of Foss I’d really like to see this thing grow.

    • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      It’s the IPO. This has been the plan since day one (or at least since Conde Nast). Reddit hasn’t been operating at a loss for almost twenty years out of the goodness of their heart. It doesn’t matter how much the users hate it, the users are what is for sale.

  • PrimalAnimist
    4311 months ago

    I feel like this move has nothing to do with investors and everything to do with setting the standard for big corps like Microsoft and Google to be able to scrape their massive amount of data to train next gen AIs. They know they have HUGE amount of data from now and for years and years ago. Content, created by others, then sold for enormous profit.

    • Nina
      2411 months ago

      I mean AI is already stealing all art and images on the web without paying anything. They could just literally scrape and pay nothing. Web scraping isn’t illegal, they already do it, why would they pay anyone? Unless the law catches up about the rights to manufacture AI content based on ill-gotten data, then why would they pay what they don’t have to?

        • Nina
          111 months ago

          Could you please point me to legal definitions, in court or otherwise, that say it is not violating my copyright license to directly use my artwork in any shape or form for a non-fair use product? As in, a service you pay money for to create things based on the training data it has taken from me, is not fair use. Or point me to the legal definitions where I lose my copyright by posting things online? Allowing to scrape is not the same thing as giving derivative copyright license permissions. You aren’t disagreeing with me, you’re disagreeing with my legal rights.

            • ᗪIᐯEᖇGEᑎTᕼᗩᖇᗰOᑎIᑕᔕ
              11 months ago

              hmm. That talks of data mining not of derivative work from the mined data. … I’ll leave the discussion to others, though.
              What effect would a Creative Commons “ND” clause have? Is it reserving the right to make derivatives? And would machine generated stuff even count as a derivative?

              DuckDuckGo translate:

              Copyright and Related Rights Act (Copyright Act) § 44b Text and Data Mining
              (1) Text and data mining is the automated analysis of one or more digital or digitized works in order to obtain information, in particular about patterns, trends and correlations.
              (2) Reproduction of lawfully accessible works for text and data mining is permitted. The reproductions must be deleted when they are no longer required for text and data mining.
              (3) Uses pursuant to subsection (2) sentence 1 shall only be permitted if the rights holder has not reserved them. A reservation of use for works accessible online is only effective if it is made in machine-readable form.

            • Nina
              11 months ago

              Translation: (1) Text and data mining is the automated analysis of one or more digital or digitized works in order to obtain information, in particular about patterns, trends and correlations.

              (2) Reproduction of lawfully accessible works for text and data mining is permitted. The reproductions must be deleted when they are no longer required for text and data mining.

              (3) Uses pursuant to subsection (2) sentence 1 shall only be permitted if the rights holder has not reserved them. A reservation of use for works accessible online is only effective if it is made in machine-readable form.

              None of that says anything about creating profitable derivative work. In fact is specifies patterns, trends and correlations, which does not lead me to believe it is protecting visual works created from this data, those kind of things are only used to inform things, like information science.

      • @Contend6248@feddit.de
        11 months ago

        What do you mean by stealing? The data remains, all they do is learning from something which is public

        What is different to Googles approach, they are just watching and learning Why is it treated so differently when it essentially does nothing new, but uses the data in a different way

        • Nina
          11 months ago

          they are just watching and learning Why is it treated so differently

          Because it isn’t human. It isn’t watching and learning, it is being fed my creative content as data that I have not allowed nor have been compensated for, which is then turned around and sold as a service. My work is being consumed for commercial uses by an inhuman who does not have fair use education rights, with the sole intent to create a profitable product, and I’m getting nothing. I have legal rights, no matter where I post my work, to retain my copyrights and I have the right to not consent to improper use of my works that do not align with the licenses I have chosen to give it. Websites ask for a licenses in their ToS to be able to even just display and share my artwork when I upload it. When I create an image, I am given ownership of it’s copyright to control the use, distribution, and right to create derivatives. This isn’t a fuzzy area, it’s very clear. If an artist did not consent to their artwork being used as training data for a non-fair use reason, it is stealing their works.

          And no, it’s not fair use under education. Copyright exists for human protection and uses. It isn’t being used for ‘learning’ it’s used as data to be repackaged and sold. Google’s use of it showing up in search is to link back to posts that contain my work, retain my copyright, and are not derivatives. If you mean by captchas, yeah capchas are pretty bullshit.

          And circling back to my original post. So? AI companies aren’t paying for their image training data, so why would they pay for reddit’s api?

          • @slacktoid@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            I feel the bigger problem with these AIs is more how they are solely being used to improve profits and productivity, these only affect the capital owners. None of that is going to improve the laborer (i.e., the artist, the coder, the writer, the people who create value from capital). This is only going to get worse. We are being normalized to automation and AI with the use of self-checkout.

            Also, about Reddit training data, I think they are too late to the party. The weights they were needed for are made. I do not think they are the exclusive source of specialized information, and (I hope) they are going to find out. They are just going to further show how silly the free market and the stock market are. The people who require the data will probably have other ways of getting it. r/datahoarders and people like that come to mind. Reddit is only making new data hard to access which, which they are not (and hopefully never) an exclusive source of.

            • Nina
              11 months ago

              Yeah, AI can totally exist and be useful, but currently it’s in the hands of tech dudes and admins who have a terrible track record with developing things responsibly and over hyping and masking flaws. It’s used to make a profit at the colossal detriment to humans. It’s used to hurt us currently, not help at all.

              I think the training data from reddit probably only used the API because it was easier and free. And if no longer free, there’s nothing pointing to them actually paying for it. It’s not like reddit is the only data, they very much likely already have web scrapers for other uses that they can just tune for reddit.

    • @torturedllama@lemmy.nz
      1011 months ago

      The thing I worry about whenever someone mentions this angle: What about Lemmy content? As the community moves away from the commercial platforms in favor of Lemmy, Bluesky, Mastodon etc. Then does that lower the legal barrier for AI companies to train on all this content for free? Is that shift in the legal vulnerability of public content something that users consider? Is that desirable to most users? Are people thinking about that?

        • @MrPoopyButthole@lemmy.world
          111 months ago

          I’m with you on that. AI is the future. Just because xxx big corp is doing AI training for their closed source product doesnt mean that open source models won’t also benefit. If you post to a public space you should expect it to be read.

    • @DarkwinDuck@feddit.de
      811 months ago

      That’s an interesting but definitely plausible take on the whole thing. 12000$ for 50mio requests is B2B pricing. For a company like Openai/Microsoft that’s not even worth thinking about if you get all of that precious training data for it…

    • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
      511 months ago

      If he thinks locking down the API is going to stop them, he’s bumped his head. These companies have more than enough manpower to write and maintain an HTML scraper for Reddit.

      • @sealneaward@lemmy.ml
        111 months ago

        Creating a web scraper vs actually maintaining one that is effective and works is two different things. It’s very easy to fight web scraping if you know what you are doing.

        • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
          11 months ago

          Right, but these are big companies with lots of talented programmers on hand. If anyone can overcome such an obstacle, it’s them.

          Also, Google and Microsoft already have a search index full of Reddit content to scrape.

          • @sealneaward@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            You are right. You would need a team of skilled scrapers and network engineers though would know how to get around rate limiters with some kind of external load balancer or something along those lines.

            • @MrPoopyButthole@lemmy.world
              211 months ago

              Rate limiters work on IP source. This is easily bypassed with a rotating proxy. There are even SaaS that offer this. The trick is to not use large subnets that can be easily blocked. You have to use a lot of random /32 IPs to be effective.

            • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
              111 months ago

              That problem is already solved. Google and Microsoft are already fetching every single page on Reddit for search engine indexing.

              • @sealneaward@lemmy.ml
                111 months ago

                Could they be doing that already because of the still open API of Reddit and that will soon change? I just feel like it’s easier for them currently and it will be tougher once the API changes are implemented.

                • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
                  211 months ago

                  No. Search engines fetch pages using plain old HTTP GET requests, same as how browsers fetch pages. There is some difficulty in parsing the HTML and extracting meaningful content, but it’s too late: the HTML is already stored on Google/Microsoft servers, ready for extraction, and there’s nothing Reddit can do to stop them.

                  Reddit can make future content harder to extract, but not without also making it invisible to search engines, which would cause Reddit to disappear from Google Search and Bing.

                  That’s why I say trying to charge money for AI training data is a fool’s errand. These facts make it impossible. That doesn’t mean Spez won’t try, but it does mean he won’t succeed.

    • @DrQuint@lemmy.ml
      411 months ago

      Interesting. I wonder if they already got an offer that matches their new API pricing, and they decided to up everything to match that cost and avoid being sued later.

      Like, there seems to be some urgency between them announcing and upping the price. What was it? Is this the reason? A confirmed, extremely wealthy and extremly naive buyer?

  • @lemmy_steve@lemmy.ml
    4211 months ago

    I was reading an article from The Verge - they’ve linked all the juicy parts of the AMA. I don’t have a Reddit account anymore since hearing about what their plans were a few weeks ago. It looks like Reddit is facing a very real, self inflicted meltdown.

    Fyi - it looks like the reviews for Reddit on the Google Play Store have been locked as well to prevent review bombing.

  • @Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works
    4211 months ago

    While I appreciate Spez being burned at the stake, why are there so many fucking awards on things. People know that those directly contribute to Reddits revenue right?

  • @hydra@lemmy.one
    3111 months ago

    The enshittification of Reddit has been evident ever since the new design rolled out. Unusable on mobile devices. Does less, using more memory and bandwidth.

    • KonQuesting
      1911 months ago

      When “New” Reddit came out, it was just shockingly bad. If they didn’t keep old.reddit.com online, they would have killed the site then. Until very recently I couldn’t even view all child comments within the main thread, and it still takes at least twice as long to load any page.

      Coming to Lemmy has been a breath of fresh air. The site is much more responsive than Reddit despite most instances running on a single VPS or something.

      • @hydra@lemmy.one
        11 months ago

        That’s because the Lemmy webapp focuses on being lean and functional rather than shoving as much telemetry and megabytes of JavaScript bloat as they can to do LESS than the old Reddit webapp could while using 10-20 times MORE resources.

        New Reddit is not completely unusable on an intermittent, crammed full 3G connection where Old Reddit just works, but is known to be actively user hostile and somehow cramming full a huge 1080p phone display with only 2 or 3 comments and having to preload for hours for a full thread.

        Lemmy server is also blazing fast and being written in Rust which encourages memory safety does help it function better on smaller instances and serve both local and federated clients faster despite having less resources to do so. I really really hope this replaces Reddit in the mainstream and people learn basic concepts about federated media to future proof the free Internet.

        It has been a real breath of fresh air and so far it seems more sustainable to spread the bandwidth between smaller instances than let a megacorp fund the infrastructure to serve everyone in a walled garden which will later be enshittified into garbage once a critical mass is already lured in.

        • KonQuesting
          611 months ago

          You’re right! The front page of Reddit is nearly 8x larger than Lemmy.ml, and took almost 7x longer to load than Lemmy.

          Uncached loading results:

          Lemmy: 3.3 MB, 39 requests in 1.85 seconds
          Old Reddit: 6.3 MB, 60 requests in 4.53 seconds
          New Reddit: 24.5 MB, 351 requests in 12.21 seconds

      • @StrandIntro@lemm.ee
        011 months ago

        The first issue I noticed with new reddit was the missing sidebar. Is that functionality that I should have easily found or is it still missing after all this time?

    • @PeWu@lemmy.ml
      711 months ago

      I was actually shocked when I’ve discovered how much data Reddit app uses compared to RiF for example.

  • Lucy🔸🔸🔸
    2211 months ago

    I’ve been following that non AMA for a few hours, and it’s been a bloodbath. Spez really needed to hire a PR team because that was a clown show of epic proportions.

  • Sagittaire
    1711 months ago

    Burn it to the ground! I wish all top subreddits had the balls to go dark indefinitely to the point they have to backpedal or forcibly take over the subreddits. Burn it to the fucking ground!

  • @Senzei@lemmy.ml
    1711 months ago

    found a script that deletes all your posts and comments after scrambling them fuck spez and reddit at this point

  • anilm
    1411 months ago

    I’m surprised they didn’t replace /u/spez with woman; then have her make this announcement. Then he could triumphantly return and claim they will do better from now on. … you know, like the last time they made unpopular changes.

    • BackOnMyBS
      1511 months ago

      yep, I had a similar train of thought

      [spez] screwed up so bad, and it’s obvious he’s quite stupid…I’m wondering if he was given the Ellen Poa treatment. The investor’s knew what changes they wanted to implement to increase revenue, had him implement it, then made him take all the flak. Next, they’ll replace spez with someone else, seemingly roll back a few of the changes, and say they’re working with the reddit community. The thing is that it’s obvious that reddit is irreparably infected. The diseases cannot be eradicated because the disease is corporate greed. Reddit began its time in hospice the moment they shared they were going public. It’s over. Done. Say you final goodbyes. RIP in pieces.

    • HerrBert
      111 months ago

      “PS I’d like a raise… Oh wait, no I wouldn’t… Because you are not, I repeat, not my boss!”