Reminds me of some medical characters my friends and I made.
The Harmacist
The Moncologist
Centaur for disease control
The Sturgeon General
The Hemogoblin
Centaur for disease control and hemogoblin are perfect, may have to steal.
Bold of you to assume the Air Genasi Tempest Cleric prepared any healing spells
The last few times I played a cleric the parties were stunned to realize I had no healing prepared
“The faster they die the less I’ll need to heal”
It actually went pretty well for the most part
Best I can do for you is Bless, but only because I can include myself.
The Half Orc Tempest Cleric didn’t either
Ironically cheetahs are surprisingly skittish and timid and unlikely to attack humans if unprovoked.
They also meow.
They don’t have the right vocal structure to roar. So they make cat sounds.
They also purr.
I think they need to overlay this Wildcat song during the transformation sequence:
Animorphs with D&D? This is the best day ever.
One of my backup characters is to do a druid that’s a reflavored centaur with the telepathic feat to make an Andalite.
Cheetah are D-tier