• Ohi@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    As an indie game dev with an insanely low budget, I’m looking forward to the time in the future where people stop giving the random fuck they’re currently giving about the use of AI gen content so I can safely build my game with higher quality assets without the fear of a mob of angry consumers flooding my steam page with bad reviews. It seriously boggles my mind why this is even a trend right now. People need to realize we’re saving money where we can so we can improve the quality of the product elsewhere! I’ll now have more enemies in my game because I no longer need to hire a concept artist for the general concept. I’m empowered to do that work myself in a few minutes of chat prompts, and I’m still hiring 3D Artists to bring that concept to life.

    Please people, chill the fuck out and let the industry adjust appropriately to this amazing technology. Y’all sound like those that protested the use of cars when the horse lost it’s job to it.

    • Croquette@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      Artists are getting replaced by machines, just like when blacksmiths were getting replaced by machines.

      People are losing their livelihood, so the backlash is normal and to be expected.

      I think that in your case, considering the context around AI, you should use it and be transparent about it. Some people will be mad, but what can you do?

      • iegod@lemm.ee
        9 months ago

        Transparent about what? I’m not going around listing all the tools used to create my game, use of an LLM for image generation should be no different. If I get asked, sure I’ll talk about it, but I’m not going out to announce it.

        • Croquette@sh.itjust.works
          9 months ago

          The use of LLM is different because it is a new disruptive technology that has not been properly accepted by society and does not have the proper laws yet. People are losing their livelihood over it, so it is not like using free assets on unity marketplace.

          Considering all the debates and lawsuits around LLM using copyrighted work to train their data on, you could put in your listing that assets were generated with LLM. You are transparent from the get go, the people that will be mad will get mad, but at least it will be upfront.

          If you don’t announce that you used LLM and people figure out that you used LLM assets, the backlash risk being greater than announcing upfront that you generated assets with a LLM.

        • セリャスト
          9 months ago

          An LLM does not gemerate images, but text. You probably meant image generation model

    • TheHarpyEagle@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      The problem is that there’s a lot of indie artists out there trying to make it as hard as you are. Indie artists whose work has been fed into the models you’re using without their knowledge or consent and who don’t see any compensation. In a perfect world, AI art wouldn’t mean artists not getting money, but as you said yourself, you don’t have to hire them now. So now artists have fed into a system that returns very little if anything to them (unless you’re more likely to hire an artists who uses 65% AI in their art than someone who uses none)

    • twoleggedmammal@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Hi, I’m a hobbyist game dev who has dabbled in using Stable Diffusion to create game assets. While AI is fundamentally just a tool, and there’s nothing inherently wrong about using it, it does matter if you’re using a model trained on copyrighted work. In that case you may be stealing an artists work and using it in a commercial game without credit or payment, or even really knowing it was their art that was a basis for your asset.

      I suspect there are/will be models trained entirely on open source assets or from artists who have been paid for this express purpose and whose licensing allows for commercial usage from the output. In that case, it should be safe to use and you can credit the model used in your game credits.

      For now, because I don’t know of any useful models like that, and Steam is not allowing games with AI assets of any kind, I’m steering clear of AI assets.

      • zazo@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        The whole fuss around the Magic/Wizard of the Coast shenanigans is about an artist using the Photoshop AI fill tool that’s trained on images 100% licensed by Adobe. Ie the mob does not care about the facts only about being outraged…

        • MysticKetchup@lemmy.worldOP
          9 months ago

          The fuss is that WotC said they were going with human art over AI art, used AI art for marketing, and then denied it when it was blatantly obvious. It’s pretty understandable that a company that built its brand on gorgeous, original art would get blowback when it tried to use algorithmically generated content.

          • zazo@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Which is fair, I agree that they should have been honest from the start, but I can’t envision a world where that also wouldn’t have caused a riot. Shame it’s impossible to know now.

        • twoleggedmammal@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          That is useful context. Seems like WotC did the right thing here given their previous statement. There are better things to criticize then over then.

    • alex@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      I understand what you’re saying, but in regards to your anecdote, and in my opinion, cars were a mistake lol

      They’re definitely useful but we shouldn’t have gone as full in on them as we did. And it’s not the loss of the horse I care about, it’s the street car trolley that every city seemed to have but then removed at the behest of automakers.

      Sorry to go off topic lmao, just wanted to throw my two useless cents in

      • Ohi@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        With every leap in tech, there is always something or someone that loses. I just used cars/horses here as an example because I think it properly articulates the giant leap in efficiency that AI is providing content creators right now. That said, I hear your point on how the adaptation to cars had unforseen consequences. I’m just far more optimistic than the masses right now about AI, as I’m one who gets to directly benefit from it instead of it just being some toy to play with.

    • Passerby6497@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      I think there’s a massive difference in expectations between a small dev and a massive conglomerate like WotC. For someone like you, I doubt many would care about you using AI for the same reasons you stated. But WotC absolutely deserves to be taken behind the woodshed for doing it because they can absolutely afford to hire people to do it.

    • Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      People are just being mad that there is real competition. I would be mad too if my Job would get so hard competition, But the argument that they are stealing Art is BS in my Opinion. Art comes from inspiration, which comes from input from the World around us. If you don’t live in total darkness with no connection to the World around you, you have gathered inspiration from other people’s Work and used this to create your own. And AI does the same. But they will calm down and adapt. They have to or make room for people who can.

    • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
      9 months ago

      It seriously boggles my mind why this is even a trend right now.

      because I no longer need to hire a concept artist for the general concept.

      Why are people concerned about AI? /s

      AI is obvious the future of applied arts but it will take it’s time for people and industries to adjust. Not long ago CGI were not considered art at all.

        • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
          9 months ago

          Applied artist will need to adapt. I guess applied arts will move more towards editorial tasks. That’s how technological advancement works - driving horse carriages was a job once. Like again CGI made a lot of classical applied jobs obsolete and people had to adapt or find a niche where their skill is still needed.

          The bigger problem is who own AI and who profits from it. But that is a question we as society have to face and answer.

    • DrM@feddit.de
      9 months ago

      The problem currently is that it looks cheap and out of place a lot of the time. I have seen quite a few games that use GenAI to add Assets and more to their game and currently it boiled down to these options:

      1. imagery: random posters of some imaginery bands with unreadable text that looked like far higher quality than the rest of the assets in game. Also the imagery itself has no concurrency, everything looks different and nothing fits together
      2. LLM: the LLM conversations in the games have two major problems that nobody solved: the NPCs in the conversations respond with information that doesn’t fit the game (e.g. saying things like “meet me in the park tomorrow”) and of course the NPC is not in the park. The second problem is that the games can’t interpret the responses, so they are completely dry. It destroys the immersion

      The first problem can already be solved, but it takes a lot of work to get to the point where everything looks like it fits your game. I don’t think anyone will complain about GenAI when everything fits your game.

      But don’t forget: We are talking about MtG here. WOTC sells MtG cards for an insanely high price and the art is something that makes the cards somewhat worth the price. MtG using GenAI would be just wrong.