Pretty much the title

    306 months ago

    We no longer talk to each other, he refused to test for covid and wear a mask to come see my newborn at the peak of covid infections, after receiving multiple audio messages of just verbal abuse I cut ties. I lost a lot of friends we had in common but I’m good now.

    206 months ago

    Im the oldest of three brothers.

    Me and the youngest brother are pretty tight. Which hasn’t always been the case. There was an eleven year gap between us so it was pretty touch and go growing up. When I moved back in with the parents briefly just as he was getting out of highschool, we started getting along a lot better and we ended up forming a really solid relationship. I’m really proud of the man he’s grown into.

    The middle brother… Well, it would be easy to say that he found religion and we drifted apart… But my youngest brother also found religion and that didn’t mess our relationship up at all (Im agnostic leabing towards atheism)

    The middle brother just … isn’t interested in figuring out how to be friendly. My youngest brother and I can disagree about stuff and be fine with it, but middle brother dige his heels in and can’t ever find a way around it. So 1 out of 2 isn’t too bad, honestly. I leave the lines of communication open for the middle brother, and every now and then we have a fun conversation. But that’s about it.

  • Pons_Aelius
    6 months ago

    Not very.

    My sister and I get along really well but are not close.

    I haven’t had any real contact with my brother in the past 5 years. I see him for four hours each year so my parents can have the family together for Christmas dinner and that is it.

  • surfrock66
    126 months ago

    I had to cut my sister out of my life for her constant abuse and toxicity. It sadly cost me the relationship with my father who is now 80 and likely we won’t get the chance to reconnect before he is gone. It has been almost 4 years and I have no regrets about cutting her off. She has since shown up at my door multiple times unannounced (we live 350 miles away) and has tried to circumvent me and communicate directly with my kids by giving them toys.

    116 months ago

    We talk briefly 2-3 times a year, see each other even less frequently, despite it being less than a two hour drive. Neither side is looking to change that despite us growing up together in a happy family and there being no reason for us to avoid each other. It could be that we all don’t value social interactions very highly in general.

    116 months ago

    We get along okay. We don’t have a lot in common but we can occasionally hang out and have fun playing games or something.

    106 months ago

    My Brother and I are extremely close. So close we joke we share one brain cell and that we were twins who were chronically seperated by 9 years at birth. He is genuinely my best friend and I love him very, very much.

    6 months ago

    I have a half sister (paternal) that grew up nowhere near me and we had no contact until she was an adult. When we finally did start talking I learned that she is just like her mother when she got angry at me over something trivial and (she) cut contact.

    So I sadly have to continue considering myself an only child.

    86 months ago

    I see them a few times a month and we have group chats. We host dinners quite a lot and meetup at our fathers house. Pretty much all birthdays/holidays have some involvement with family. I’m the least involved but weve found a good balance with everyone. 3 siblings 24-34.

    86 months ago

    Geographically? Thousands of miles away. Philosophically? Even further (she’s fundie, I’m atheist). Conversationally? Pretty close. We text, talk or video chat multiple times per week. We’re probably closer now than we have been at any point in our lives.

    66 months ago

    I’m the oldest of three. My younger brother is an abusive drug addict currently serving time. I never want to see him or talk to him again. Any time we are in a room together, there’s a real risk of a physical fight breaking out. Years of constant fighting both verbally and physically have taken a huge mental toll on me. The day he dies will be one of my happiest.

    My baby brother is alright. He straddled the same line drug wise but was nowhere near abusive like the other one. Hes got a reputation for being a sneaky lying thief, but he’s turned himself around. He’s more of a joy to be around.

    One good. One that’s a blood screaming hatred that’s only gonna be resolved through death. No hyperbole either.

    • Zerlyna
      16 months ago

      I just posted a similar comment about my sibling drug addict. 😭

  • Gormadt
    66 months ago

    Kinda meh really

    We don’t talk much anymore, but I do speak with them more often than my parents.

    I am happy to hear that both my siblings are doing pretty well for themselves (I even helped my sister move into a bigger apartment today)

    My dad is… still around.

    My Mom is starting to do better lately mental health wise, which is great to see. She’s had some recent health scares that have really put time into perspective for her.

    It’s a long story for both groups why the relationships are what they are. But there’s really only 1 out of that group that’s unrecoverable IMO and that’s the relationship with my dad.

  • slazer2au
    66 months ago

    2 sisters I have a good relationship with. I see them when I am back in my home country.

    Third sister has been shunned by the whole family for leveling serious charges against our dad and refused to back down when the evidence was overwhelming in our fathers favour and her key piece of evidence came about from a lie under duress.