• Ms. ArmoredThirteen
    56 months ago

    Well it won’t be my fuck up, but the company I work for is starting the year with 2-3 mass firings. That would set the tone for delaying my year to 2025

  • @doingless@lemmy.world
    36 months ago

    You need a way more chill approach bro. You can fuck up until May and still make this your year. Keep up the hope, and keep up whatever you want!

    • @doingless@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      Replying to myself to add, you can also continue to fuck up on random weekends in August, October, November and December as well as a handful of weekdays but not too many and still make this your year!

  • @wh0_cares
    36 months ago

    I’ve been going into this year knowing 2024 will be tough, but 2025 will be my year. Just one more year