• Meow.tar.gz@lemmy.goblackcat.com
    1 year ago

    My server in my home costs me a lot less than 30/month to operate. Since this is a hobby for me I don’t assign a monetary value to the time I spend working on it. I built the server with second hand components that I got at a swap meet for less than 700 dollars. Now knock on wood things have been running smoothly and I do a lot with this server. It doesn’t just power Lemmy and Mastodon, but it also does my Jellyfin and NAS. It’s probably overspec’d for my needs but that means I can use it for a long while.

    • epk@mastodon.xyz
      1 year ago

      @ablackcatstail @nisegami

      I’m a big fan of the “sure, I’ll take that laptop you just replaced” school of servers. I run Jellyfin on a 2012 MacBook Pro (running Debian), and Home Assistant (and things that support HA, like Zigbee2MQTT) on my mom’s old Presario (also Debian). Since these are just running inside my home network for my own use, I don’t need anything high-powered (though the MacBook is beefy, even if 11 years old).