Insomniacs after school is a slice of life kind of romance anime featuring two kids in high school who have trouble sleeping and eventually join an astronomy club. I read the manga and was excited to see it get adapted and I think they’ve done a good job.
It’s a really calm and relaxing and wholesome show with such a good vibe. It’s hard to put into words but it does capture the feeling of being out late at night wandering around, and being young and wandering around school, and the protagonists are both very cute and wholesome. The two have good chemistry and a nice realistic relationship.
Best of all it does so without leaning into the very common anime and manga tropes of fanservice.
Its a very wholesome relaxing vibe kind of show thats manages to capture this feeling of youth really well. The wandering around at night, the hanging out doing nothing with friends, the rainy days the warm summer days, hanging out after school. It’s also a very realistic relatively non dramatic romance.
I have trouble putting into words exactly what’s so good about it and selling it. It’s just good vibes decent animation(and the Manga had some nice pages).
Insomniacs after school is a slice of life kind of romance anime featuring two kids in high school who have trouble sleeping and eventually join an astronomy club. I read the manga and was excited to see it get adapted and I think they’ve done a good job.
It’s a really calm and relaxing and wholesome show with such a good vibe. It’s hard to put into words but it does capture the feeling of being out late at night wandering around, and being young and wandering around school, and the protagonists are both very cute and wholesome. The two have good chemistry and a nice realistic relationship.
Best of all it does so without leaning into the very common anime and manga tropes of fanservice.
Honestly, I should give it a watch. I remember hearing Gigguk, I think, mention it and I kinda didn’t look further.
Its a very wholesome relaxing vibe kind of show thats manages to capture this feeling of youth really well. The wandering around at night, the hanging out doing nothing with friends, the rainy days the warm summer days, hanging out after school. It’s also a very realistic relatively non dramatic romance.
I have trouble putting into words exactly what’s so good about it and selling it. It’s just good vibes decent animation(and the Manga had some nice pages).
That’s streaming on Hidive, right? Any thoughts on how that platform compares with Crunchyroll?
Honestly I dont watch anime though official channels so I wouldnt be able to say.