• ivanafterall
    437 months ago

    1.) Law to make me eternal king of the city.
    2.) Law to mandate my exorbitant salary and discretionary fund.
    3.) Law to stipulate the various details of my city-provided harem.

    You guys suck at genies.

    • pruwyben
      57 months ago

      I think the state or federal government might step in.

    • Butt Pirate
      57 months ago

      Granted. You are now the eternal king of The City.

      The City pretty much immediately falls to ruin because you don’t know anything about economics, and most of your residents leave. With the economy unable to support your rule, the state has to intervene to save the region.

      They charge you with gross neglect, and considering all the lives you’ve ruined, give you a life sentence. You’re immortal now (eternal king), so they pretty much just seal you in a steel reinforced concrete box and drop you in the ocean.

      Nothing happens for billions of years.

      The sun expands and incinerates the earth. You can’t die but you’re in pain beyond imagining from all the heat and radiation.

      This continues for a long time.

      Eventually the sun expels the outer layers in a stellar nova and you are condemned to drift across the universe struggling for air for all eternity.

  • @TheMechanic@lemmy.ca
    347 months ago

    Ban cars in the main street. I’m sure you can learn to walk one block. You might even find you enjoy it when you are not having constant near death experiences with cars.

    All those parking spaces are now spaces for pop-up businesses. Food vans, shipping containers that are now selling vegetables, outdoor dining, art fairs, etc.

    You can now legally live in those apartments that people used to live in built above the existing shops, before that was made illegal for reasons unknown.

    • @vividspecter@lemm.ee
      57 months ago

      I’ll add some aspects for the areas outside of the main CBD street:

      • Separated, protected bike lanes that run the entire city with easy access from the suburban parts
      • Traffic calming measures including speed bumps, reduced (and narrower) lanes, continuous sidewalks, and speed limit reduced to 30 km/h (around 20 mph)
      • Free public transport
    • @XTL@sopuli.xyz
      37 months ago

      Food vans… in an area where cars are banned? How did the containers get there?

      • @NotSteve_@lemmy.ca
        37 months ago

        Most places with these bans will allow delivery vehicles and food trucks through. Same goes for emergency vehicles

        • @TheMechanic@lemmy.ca
          37 months ago

          When I wrote the above I thought, hah someone’s going to be like ‘bUt HoW WilL tHe vAnS gEt tHeRe jEeNiuS?’. But then I thought, nah noones that iamverysmart. Yet, here we are.

        • @XTL@sopuli.xyz
          7 months ago

          So it’s not a car ban and that’s the point. You’ll have to either make an exception, allow electric only traffic or something else. Many businesses also “need” access for disabled and elderly, so taxis also get a pass. Very few models let you reclaim any streets or parking. Cut down a little, maybe. And that’s good of course. But just saying “ban cars” is naïve.

  • Hello_there
    7 months ago
    1. Progressive vacancy tax - the longer a commercial site sits empty, the more the tax is.
    2. Abolish most residential height and density limits.
    3. Rent control
  • @TheDoctorDonna@lemmy.world
    7 months ago
    1. If you buy it, live in it- no more commodification of homes.

    2. zero tolerance driving policies that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists and blatantly discourage driving.

    3. safe supply. Anything that was going to be disposed of in police evidence is to be tested and used to start the program. Can’t get people to a place where they want to be treated if they’re dead.

    • @gazter@aussie.zone
      67 months ago

      So, no such thing as renting? If I move to the city I’m just homeless until I can afford a house?

      • @TheDoctorDonna@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Rentals are to be run by the city at a subsidized rate of no more than 30% of the income for the household, regardless of the space required.

        We don’t need landlords to fulfill housing needs. They can go get real jobs.

  • toiletobserver
    207 months ago

    A perpetual levy to keep the schools funded, and it floats with CPI or some other index to remain relevant.

  • @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world
    207 months ago
    1. Property and income tax funded high speed internet available to all persons and businesses in city limits free of charge. Also, power, water, waste management, and any licensing and registration fees are all eliminated and they get funded by property and income taxes instead (also fees for public copiers at court houses, libraries, etc).

    2. Sleeping in public is legal, sleeping in parked cars is legal, cars can’t be towed from the parking lots of businesses outside of the businesses’ operating hours, and no person can be denied use of a public bathroom (regardless of whether or not they purchased anything).

    3. All businesses and public buildings will be made handicap accessible through city funded grants and fines for non compliant property owners, and rental property owners will be required to make any accessibility modifications a tenant might require.

  • @Godric@lemmy.world
    157 months ago
    1. Term Limits (Goodbye family-connected people who haven’t done shit in 20 years)
    2. Church Is Now a Library (Goodbye assholes who expelled my friend’s fiance for cohabitation, while the minister cohabitated with his girlfriend)
    3. Anticorruption (Certain people on the council rent their properties/sell things to the town at “market rates”)
  • @Delphia@lemmy.world
    157 months ago

    Free public transport, buildings/residences incur additional council rates when sitting empty, better permitting system for food trucks on public property.

  • Yewb
    127 months ago

    No one eligible for social security can hold office.

  • @anton
    107 months ago

    More bike lanes in the center, especially for long distances

    More rail infrastructure in the outer parts, especially an outer ring by light rail or subway

    Better funding for Schools and stuff

  • Toes♀
    97 months ago

    Return downtown’s roads to being footpaths.

    Allow safe biking on the sidewalks

    Free electricity and water

    • @Corkyskog@sh.itjust.works
      27 months ago

      Umm I don’t think a municipality can superscede state and federal law.

      So maybe you could ban cars, with the exception of state vehicles.

    • Alex
      27 months ago
      1. Would work in some cities, but not others.

      2. Is terrible. Drugs fuck up your brain.

      3. Is based

      • @Not_mikey@lemmy.world
        27 months ago

        Some drugs (alcohol, opiates, meth) do fuck up your brain with long term consistent use associated with addiction, but most people don’t fall into that unless they have some sort of severe external stress or genetic predisposition. You can see this with alcohol which despite its acceptance by society is one of the most harmful drugs out there, but most people who consume it do so in relative moderation.

        Drug prohibition fucks ups society way more than drugs can fuck up your brain. It creates a police state that targets the poor and minorities. It gives money to cartels and gangs that cause violence. It doesn’t even stop drug use, those who want it can still get it, it just makes drugs less safe as theirs no quality control leading to adulterants and an incentive to make overly concentrated substances like fentanyl, which probably wouldn’t exist without prohibition.

        • Alex
          17 months ago

          That’s true, but if someone gets convinced to try drugs, they become addicted most of the time and it ruins their lives. IMO free rehab and no criminal charges for people that are already addicted would be a better policy

  • Chainweasel
    7 months ago
    1. Term limits, the same 3 families have been running my town for 40 years.
    2. a bypass, we’re a very small town with a huge tourist industry, and the township refuses to approve a bypass because it would divert traffic away from the tourist trap, regardless of the fact that it takes half an hour to cross a town with a single traffic light.
    3. investment of the tax money into the community. Again, we have a huge tourist industry and a shit ton of money comes into town from it, yet our roads are absolutely terrible, half the town doesn’t have sidewalks, and honestly I don’t know where any of the money goes.
    • @Iamdanno@lemmy.world
      27 months ago
      1. Make all local utilities city-owned (including internet access as a utility).

      2. Make all city employees part of a municipal employees union (opt-out available)

      3. Require all legal judgments against the police department to be paid out of their pension fund.