Holy heck, stomp me mommy glados 🤣
This, but unironically
Also, literally, considering Glados is basically her mom…
i know im a bit late, but huh?
This better but awaken something in me…
Honestly, I haven’t been the same since GLaDOS said “Oh. It’s you.” in her dommy mommy voice.
Narrator: "And slowly… something was awakening in them. "
This was a triumph
I’m making a note here: “HUGE SUCCESS!”
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Aperture Science:
We do what we must because we can
For the good of all of us
🫵 Horny
So that’s what the world has come to? AI villain porn? 😮💨
Oh well, when in Rome… unzips
When AI can give me a GlaDOS LLM personal assistant, complete with bitter sarcasm, my life will be complete. I long admitted this.
I am so here for this.
It’s all fun and games until she brings out the deadly neurotoxin
Levels of neurotoxins dangerously low
deleted by creator
Stuff like this is why AI will never be able to comprehend humans.
Humans horny, next question
Is she also somehow lighter and better-looking in the jumpsuit?
Yes. Yes she is
Too bad she didn’t find all those humans stored away until after Chell left.
🐪 🦶
camel foot?
Hehe, I thought this was Haydee at first.