Some people don’t seem to understand the meme and think this pie represents a companies whole revenue. This pie represents the revenue generated from an individuals labor. The current glaring issue with capitalism is that people think your employer is entitled to a slice of the labors pie. Your employer is entitled to Zero percent of the revenue you generate from your labor! But sadly the only reason the imaginary line in the stock market goes up is become employers and “investors” have stolen your value. While the meme is over simplified it’s accurate. Also your bosses/CEOs labor value is far lower than they would have you believe.
Shop local, give money to co-ops, unionize your work place, unionize your living space (renter unions are a thing.), volunteer as often as possible, give leftovers to the homeless if you regularly don’t eat your leftovers, VOTE, attend town halls when able, get to know your neighbors even if you don’t speak the same language or have a rough past with them, I can go on but these things can help at the local level and prevent the race to the bottom we’re currently stuck in.
All I can say is The Big Brain Economists have said that “the labor value theory is absolutely bunk and has no basis in reality.” Along with “only marxists believe this drivel.”
I’m not A Big Brain or an economist so I can’t say why they say these things, but I have seen a lot of pushback on this concept. I think it all comes down to the “agreement” we make when we accept a job, not that we have a choice. “Not working” is only an option for those that are already rich.
Some people don’t seem to understand the meme and think this pie represents a companies whole revenue. This pie represents the revenue generated from an individuals labor. The current glaring issue with capitalism is that people think your employer is entitled to a slice of the labors pie. Your employer is entitled to Zero percent of the revenue you generate from your labor! But sadly the only reason the imaginary line in the stock market goes up is become employers and “investors” have stolen your value. While the meme is over simplified it’s accurate. Also your bosses/CEOs labor value is far lower than they would have you believe.
Shop local, give money to co-ops, unionize your work place, unionize your living space (renter unions are a thing.), volunteer as often as possible, give leftovers to the homeless if you regularly don’t eat your leftovers, VOTE, attend town halls when able, get to know your neighbors even if you don’t speak the same language or have a rough past with them, I can go on but these things can help at the local level and prevent the race to the bottom we’re currently stuck in.
Zero is a very low number, yet they make my annual every month
I wouldn’t call it zero, per say - they are pretty good actors, performing for a crowd of rich fucks.
They might be good at what they do, but where’s the value?
All I can say is The Big Brain Economists have said that “the labor value theory is absolutely bunk and has no basis in reality.” Along with “only marxists believe this drivel.”
I’m not A Big Brain or an economist so I can’t say why they say these things, but I have seen a lot of pushback on this concept. I think it all comes down to the “agreement” we make when we accept a job, not that we have a choice. “Not working” is only an option for those that are already rich.