The Medical University of South Carolina initially said it wouldn’t be affected by a law banning use of state funds for treatment “furthering the gender transition” of children under 16. Months later, it cut off that care to all trans minors.

One Saturday morning in September 2022, Terrence Steyer, the dean of the College of Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, placed an urgent call to a student. Just a year prior, the medical student, Thomas Agostini, had won first place at a university-sponsored event for his graduate research on transgender pediatric patients. He also had been featured in a video on MUSC’s website highlighting resources that support the LGBTQ+ community.

Now, Agostini and his once-lauded study had set off a political firestorm. Conservative activists seized on one line in particular in the study’s summary — a parenthetical noting the youngest transgender patient to visit MUSC’s pediatric endocrinology clinic was 4 years old — and inaccurately claimed that children that young were prescribed hormones as part of a gender transition. Elon Musk amplified the false claim, tweeting, “Is it really true that four-year-olds are receiving hormone treatment?” That led federal and state lawmakers to frantically ask top MUSC leaders whether the public hospital was in fact helping young children medically transition. The hospital was not; its pediatric transgender patients did not receive hormone therapy before puberty, nor does it offer surgical options to minors.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    1997 months ago

    Dear people who tell LGBT+ people that we shouldn’t care what some right-wing nutters think:

    This is why we have to care. What they think does affect us, unfortunately.

        167 months ago

        I was going to participate in a navy program that would put me through med school. Then Trump decided to ban folks like me from the military.

        As an older trans person, things were better for us before he was in office. It’s exhausting hearing one’s existence debated every fucking day, by folks who have zero idea what they’re talking about. It wasn’t illegal for me to piss at work in 2015, it is now.

        I’m an adult trans man who has been on testosterone for more than a decade now, and it’s a fight to stay on my medication. I almost want to live in this fantasy world where doctors just hand out hormones and blockers like candy. But most doctors are terrified - all it takes is your hospital ending up on LibsOfTiktok or something and it’s time for the bomb threats. My medical provider is one of the few that hasn’t left my state, and if he leaves I’m fucked.

        • ObliviousEnlightenment
          47 months ago

          Man, I’m sorry to hear that. Absolutely fucked that our medical care and career prospects and even just taking a shit can be destroyed because some Evangelical assholes somewhere feel weird in their pants about us or are so piss scared of their kids learning that they have to indoctrinate them

    • @SkyeStarfall
      7 months ago

      It’s always “just ignore it, words can’t hurt you” until people listen to those words and vote/take action.

      No, words matter very much, actually. In fact, I would say words, and language, is the very basis of our civilization. Without language, there would have been nothing.

  • ShaunaTheDead
    7 months ago

    I wonder what the same people criticizing trans health care as “mutilation of children” think of intersex babies having genital surgery forced upon them to align their genitals with gender binary ideals.

    And just before anyone has a chance to say it, trans healthcare for teens is okay despite them not being able to consent because if they don’t choose quickly then one of the options is going to be forced upon them.

    It’s like a child standing on train tracks with a train speeding toward them and the child expressing that they’d like to get out of the way while people telling them “No! You’re not old enough to make that decision!”

    • prole
      547 months ago

      Or how about just circumcision? How is that ok?

        437 months ago

        It’s not, but it happens to males, so no one cares. I certianly wasn’t consulted about it, and have only been ridiculed when I’ve suggested it should have been my choice.

          247 months ago

          You’re ridiculed because everyone knows that 99% of men wouldn’t choose to be circumcised if they had to do it as an adult. Yet because we do it to babies it’s fine.

            127 months ago


            They were ridiculed because it is easier to make fun of the person causing ethical discomfort than it is to sincerely contemplate one’s beliefs.

              97 months ago

              wow we found one in the wild (no offense). But seriously I would like to know, why not give your kids the chance to decide for themselves as well?

                • The scientific evidence supporting circumcision is actually fairly unconvincing. It’s still invasive, medically unnecessary surgery, that kills ~100 babies every year. It’s also proven that their brains are impacted by the procedure and show signs of PTSD.

                  Literally no other health board except American ones recommend circumcision. Canada, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, all of these countries recommend strongly against circumcision as a therapeutic treatment, as far less invasive and much more effective options exist to achieve similar or far better health benefits. Even having basic hygiene and washing your penis erases any claimed health benefits from circumcision (which were already incredibly minor). It’s literally only potentially beneficial if you don’t observe basic hygiene.

                  It’s also fairly unethical to make decisions regarding what is effectively mostly cosmetic surgery on a baby boy that can not consent to the procedure.

                  Literally almost every mammal evolved to have some kind of penile sheath. If it was truly detrimental to have a foreskin, it is highly unlikely that would have happened.

          87 months ago

          Trans women certainly care. We didn’t ask for a lot of things, but circumcision still adds insult to injury.

          The awful truth is that few people want to address fucked up shit. Almost everyone suffers from something forced upon us for no good reason, so if anything we need to support one another and work to end this crap.

          • @SkyeStarfall
            357 months ago

            Uh, speaking as an European, your comment is completely ridiculous. It’s genital mutilation as it’s done without consent, as simple as that.

            It should never be acceptable.

            357 months ago

            “bent out of shape over something you can’t even remember”

            I’m pretty sure he probably remembers he’s been circumcised whenever he goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, changes his underwear…

            If a person is drugged or blackout drunk is it ok to rape them if they don’t remember?

            Is it ok for a parent to put tattoos on their child if they get it done while the baby is young enough not to remember?

            Someone can come to terms with a situation and still be allowed to be angry about it.

            227 months ago

            don’t shame others for wanting a clean dick.

            Or you could just wash it. Like normal people.

            Do you also support scalping for wanting a clean head?

          • prole
            167 months ago

            Yeah, what did humans do before weird crazy religious folks in the desert decided we need to cut (or even bite, 🤮) the foreskin off of a new born child? How did we survive??

            167 months ago

            This is why I don’t fuck Americans. They honestly think their unwashed mutilated dicks are clean. Circumcised dicks are fine if that’s what you got, but you still have to clean them just like any other dick.

            • prole
              67 months ago

              Do people really just not clean their dicks? What the fuck?

              Do you believe this to be an American stereotype?

                87 months ago

                I mean, I’ve met Americans that don’t clean their dicks, so it’s not wrong, but it’s not really the norm. Sure, most people clean their dick, but if you honestly think cutting your dick up makes it cleaner, then I’m going to assume you just don’t get near it with soap and water because any dick can be cleaned with soap and water.

                • prole
                  7 months ago

                  but if you honestly think cutting your dick up makes it cleaner, then I’m going to assume you just don’t get near it with soap and water

                  Yeah I’m sorry this just makes no sense.

                  First of all, the overwhelming number of circumcisions occur long before a person is capable of consenting to such a procedure. So I don’t think people are walking around thinking, “hey, if I cut up my dick, I won’t have to clean it anymore!”

                  This shit happened when I was born, I had zero choice in it. It’s absurd to make assumptions like that as if it’s a personal choice.

                  Second, the assumption doesn’t even make sense. Nobody has ever said or implied that circumcision is an alternative to washing your dick. That’s insane. What are your even fucking talking about??

                  Sounds like maybe you had one or two bad experiences with some gross, unhygienic losers, and are assuming everyone is the same. You’re dead wrong.

                57 months ago

                no. I’d interpret “misosophist” as somebody who HATES wisdom/teaching/thought. I’m just playing at being a sophist who is probably more often wrong than right (including possibly with the dubious etymology of my own handle). I really didn’t put much thought into it when signing up for lemmy, though.

            107 months ago

            Do I remember it? No, but I was born very premature and required surgery, so was not circumcised at birth. Why my father told me this story over breakfast when I was like 10, and why he thought how I screamed and cried when I finally, as he put it, “Got my pencil sharpened” was funny, I’ll never know. Do I need therapy over it? No. Is it something I wish hadn’t happened? Yes.

      • @SkyeStarfall
        77 months ago

        It’s only ok if it’s done without consent, don’t you know? /s

      87 months ago

      And besides, the Hospital in the article doesn’t even do surgeries on minors, only hormone treatment. There is no mutilation involved whatsoever.

    617 months ago

    I am amazed that health companies are not penalized for discrimination on which human beings they treat. Sorry, but that makes no sense.

    • ColorcodedResistor
      7 months ago

      the neat part is the American health care system always finds a new way of disappointing everyone.

      what’s truly upsetting is that the few trans people that may need to go to that hospital for the fastest health care are going to find out the shitty way they’ve been blacklisted.

      there is probably a good legal case against this misinformation but how many trans have the time and energy to fight backdoor politics?

        227 months ago

        there is probably a good legal case against this misinformation but how many trans have the time and energy to fight backdoor politics?

        That’s why I give money to the ACLU

        147 months ago

        Yeah exactly, I’m trying to afford rent and stave off burnout too. I spent years doing activism but I’m almost 30 and I’m exhausted. And even when we do fight we’re a third of a percent of the population and economically disadvantaged before you take into account the expenses of transitioning (fortunately I’m past most of it, but spending my first years out of college saving up for a $20000 surgery was a serious financial hit)

        And all this for what? My state government doesn’t give half a shit what we want. I’ll keep trying to vote them out but they realized they don’t even actually have to do what courts say. The courts won’t actually punish the legislature, just the state coffers if that.

    • themeatbridge
      187 months ago

      Penalized? The people in goverment are bigots who want the hospitals to discriminate.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          97 months ago

          And a court and justice system that cares and is not part of the corrupt state that enabled this in the first place

        • themeatbridge
          47 months ago

          We have Two SCOTUS justices who committed perjury during their confirmation hearings and another who has been caught accepting bribes from petitioners of the court. You’re putting an awful lot of faith in the court.

      97 months ago

      Well if you decide that it’s religion you can hurt people by deciding that their medical care isn’t something your god approves of. And no you don’t need to find sufficient text or historical justification

        47 months ago

        Wasn’t there a case before SCOTUS where they held only “closely held beliefs” (or some shit) was allowed?

        I can’t find the actual case or verbage but basically it made it possible to force, say, spaghetti monster believers to adopt laws against their beliefs. Essentially paving the way for Christian nationalism.

    • cannache
      17 months ago

      I wouldn’t be surprised if health insurance companies in China would pull the same crap.

    197 months ago

    The hospital was not; its pediatric transgender patients did not receive hormone therapy before puberty, nor does it offer surgical options to minors.

    Yo, puberty is still pretty young; late elementary school or early middle school.

  • cannache
    177 months ago

    Horrible. I don’t necessarily advocate for transition as I’m personally neutral on the issue, but I will stand up for anyone seeking medical information or service, this is no longer the cave man times where men bricked each other with boulders when someone was hurt

    7 months ago

    Why is asking a question suddenly “amplifying the claim”? Could they not just have answered the question? It would, in my opinion, be especially interesting to know what the 4 year old “transgender patient” was treated for.

      137 months ago

      Sealioning, harassment where a person asks questions, demands debate, or requests evidence while feigning ignorance and pretending to be civil. Elon and fascists like him don’t care about finding the truth or having an informed opinion. They want to confirm their view of “trans bad” by focusing on misrepresented half truths or outright lies. They ask questions and don’t care for a response, because they want to promote the idea that woke adults are transing kids. It’s bad faith bullshit.

      They did answer the question, but the transphobes didn’t listen to it. A 4 year old visited the clinic. Nothing was said about treatment. The 4 year old could have been sent away for all we know. The most that would have happened would be discussions about the kid’s future when they do reach puberty, letting the parents know what that care would look like. Plus, the kid having documented trans identification so young will make a stronger case for them getting approved for care in the future.

      The worst part about this nonsense is that allowing trans youth to have their preferred puberty would address the sports issue. If a trans girl experiences female puberty and not male puberty, she’ll have no physical advantage over cis girls in sports. The permanent increases in height and bone structure that might affect performance in some sports wouldn’t happen to her. However, it is crystal clear based on literal statements made by anti-trans activists that they don’t care about sports integrity or protecting kids. They want trans people gone, and they will use state violence to keep us from living our lives

      • cannache
        27 months ago

        Look truth be told, it’s understandable that many people may not like transition or certain transgender individuals, but that is no reason to deny services to them as a blanket policy

          7 months ago

          I don’t even find it justifiable to not “like” transition. For many trans people, transitioning is less of a choice and more of a required action. I personally didn’t choose to be trans and didn’t have the luxury of staying in the closet. I thought I could delay coming out, but I couldn’t. Many trans people would become suicidally depressed if forced to detransition or prevented from transitioning. Some trans people could live the rest of their lives as cis, but a ton can’t. Not liking transition is like not liking giving an antidote to someone that got poisoned. You can wish that people never get poisoned in the first place, but can’t hate the antidote itself.

          It’s a fantasy to believe that we have total conscious control of our actions and desires. Anyone who’s become attracted to someone they don’t want to be attracted to should know this. “Why must I fall for such a shitty person?”