How do I mute/block annoying hashtags? I went into my settings menu and filtered out #AnnoyingPhrase should I not have used the #? Is there something else I should do? @fediverse

  • Veloxization
    211 months ago

    Hi! Judging by your profile, you’re using Mastodon. (Greetings from Lemmy. Oh the wonders of federation.) The filters seem to work for me, whether I use the # or not.

    Within the filter settings, check that you have selected the relevant contexts to block it. Then try reloading the page/app and see if they still appear.

      111 months ago

      You can post on Lemmy using a Mastodon account? I tried it once but I can’t seem to post or comment because the community appeared as mere user profiles.

  • Fardels Bear
    011 months ago

    @LGsMom @fediverse

    Annoying hashtags are legion. Since they’re supposed to entice, which #AnnoyingPhrase doesn’t do, it’s unlikely to have an effect if you filter it.

    I use the whack-a-mole approach, and deal individually with each type of annoying hashtag as it shows up. Some generic types can wipe out whole swathes of posts you don’t want to see.

    I’d suggest a few hashtags, but I don’t know what annoys you.

    • LGsMomOP
      111 months ago

      @riggbeck @fediverse I didn’t broadcast the specific hashtag. No need to rain on anyone’s parade just bc I’m not interested. Still, my efforts to clean up my timeline have been ineffective and now the #AnnoyingHashtag is REALLY annoying.