At the first college I went to, which I later dropped out of because it was austere, cruel, and awful, I went to a little high school tour day thing. They had a seminar for prospective students; one of the faculty talking had people coming up and asking him questions at the end, in a classroom. This was fairly informal, but it had this stuffy bullshit ‘prestigious,’ ‘serious’ academia vibe like, ‘ooh, this school is really tough, gonna be really miserable for you.’

And I asked the speaker at the end, like, ‘So what do computer science majors actually do day to day in classes? Like, what sort of projects do they work on?’ Completely earnestly, because I was curious because I thought it’d be a cool answer. And he literally said to me, ‘That’s really more of a lunchroom question,’ in the most pretentious tone I’ve ever heard in my life. good christ.

And I went to that school! And it was miserable! Honestly, I didn’t even fully understand or realize how utterly rude and pretentious this dude was being to me until recently. I thought I was asking a ‘silly’ question, but NO! NO, absolutely not, it is absolutely a valid question at a college tour day as a little high school kid. And this guy genuinely seemed so offended and put off that I’d dare ask him a silly question, like he was above answering. I genuinely did not have the brainpower at the time to process such an upjumped pretentious moron.

    10 months ago

    This post could be what does it. You’ve aired your grievances, and we all agree that guy was a total dick.

    The Internet rules in your favor and you are hereby absolved of any liability to let him live rent free in your head.

      10 months ago

      Just think of it this way, that dude placed all his eggs in the academic basket and thinks of himself so highly, or has such an inferiority complex, that he patronized a child.

      Let it be a lesson that humility goes much further than an inflated ego. He may have tenure but one day he may realize just how many people he let down instead of actually being helpful or useful with the knowledge he amassed.

        10 months ago

        He knows he is a disappointment. He just doesn’t want to be confronted with that knowledge to maintain the delusion.