- WM - I3
- Terminal - Alacritty
- Distro - Garuda
- Bar - Polybar
- Wallpaper
I stuck with my original bar layout still but I added some new fonts and changed the colors up. I also went ahead and made a custom terminal color scheme to match the new Saint Snow wallpaper. I did this at 2am because the sleep demons told me that the system must look pretty.
Hey what’s that wallpaper? It looks hella cool!
I just added some more info in the description. I’ll also be making my dot files available on all new posts as well.
when i switch to linux mint I’ll install alacritty terminal
I’ll soon be making the git repo I have of theme files public and stuff so people can grab it and use it if they so wish. Since most of the files are external files from the main config file for whatever program it is, I’ll include thorough steps on how to have the file included in the config since people may be new to configuring programs via their config files. I’ll try to get the git repo public when I can and I’ll include the link to it in my newest rice along with editing in the link on my old ones.