I don’t believe this at all, but they’re still gonna have to make a really, really good single player mode for me to get this game. I’m not trying to play online constantly and I’m not trying to pay a bunch of micro transactions.
I’m still pretty annoyed at how they left all of the features that make GTA what is for only online play. GTA 4 had such an awesome story and dynamic world with so many interesting characters.
GTA 5 just felt empty in comparison. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m just here for story mode.
If you’re in the minority I’m there with you. I just want to play offline story mode. I have exactly ZERO desire to play GTA or RDR online.
I will say, the RDR2 world was significantly more immersive than GTA V was (though there was a lot of years between them). I actually wanted to explore the world and uncover all the random shit. With GTA V yeah it was fun to drive around and blow shit up but there wasn’t really engaging content outside the story.
I’ll be curious what GTA VI holds, but I’m not going to pre-order or even purchase on day one. I’ll wait and see how things go.
Agreed. I will say the companion activities like golf or tennis were fun in GTA V, but the basic immersion stuff of like needing to eat, sleep, take care of my horse, etc, while silly or tedious to some, really kept me engaged in RDR2. They even had a basic hunger system in San Andreas. I’m hoping for something like that. And on the topic of horses, they really need the car insurance system from multiplayer to be integrated. It’s frustrating to customize a rare vehicle and have it disappear because you decided to start a mission.
RDR2 has my all time favorite game world.
I absolutely love interacting with it.
Between quests I avoid fast travel so I can hunt and explore.
They’re gonna make a stink about 150, then charge 80 for the base version. 90 for the digital deluxe. 125 for the collectors.
GTA 5 single-player was absolutely fine, certainly on the whole not worse than the other 3d GTAs. Never cared about online.
Make that two of us. I think maybe IV had worse graphics, but other than that it was superior to V. Especially when you include those two extra DLCs and how interestingly those stories intertwine.
i don’t ever play online or the campaign, i just like driving around and crashing into shit
Same. My wife loved doing that too, and also driving the bus around. I mostly liked to start off walking around as Trevor, wailing on the first guy to mouth off at me, and then go on a rampage through white trash country.
There’s absolutely no evidence that this is going to be the case. All that happened is that the CEO made a dumb comment and CEOS are always making dumb comments doesn’t mean anything.
I assumed he was prepared for something higher than $50-60, like maybe $80. I really can’t imagine any company trying to justify $150 for a game. That price would drive more people out of the market.
I love GTA and Red Dead Redemption and I make 6 figures, and there is no way in hell I’m paying $150 for a game. But I would pay $80. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I would still pay it.
AAA titles are already selling between 90 and 130 CAD depending on the version. 150 for the new GTA would not surprise me.
I am happy I’m a patient gamer so aside from very specific titles (Elden Ring) I rarely buy day 1.
It’s just inflation. The value of a dollar in 2036 is a lot less than now.
You know, I’ve read stories on how money was so worthless after Black Friday that workers transported their wage with a wheelbarrow. How come that nowadays, inflation just means that everything is fucking expensive, but you still get the same jack-shit paycheck?
I’m pretty convinced it’s not inflation that drives up prices, it’s greed.
In the past inflation was seen as a bad thing and destabilizing to an economy so governments put actual effort into making it go down. The easiest way to do that is to keep employee wages in line with inflation, but at some point someone, probably with an R next to their name, decided that that was evil socialism, and so shouldn’t be done.
So now inflation goes up and the government just sits there and goes “oh nothing we can do”.
In the past, governments didn’t have inflation targets. The black friday event involved the government flooding the gold market, dramatically reducing the value of gold. At the time the value of a dollar was directly tied to the value of gold. In hyper-inflation events (that don’t often happen in developed countries but do still happen in some countries around the world), inflation may be 50% or 100% or 200%. Sometimes way more.
These days (the last 30 or 40 years), inflation and gold have been decoupled, and instead the government has a target range of approx 1-3% inflation (depending on your exact government, but if you’re in a developed country then it is probably close). This was intended as a target that would allow businesses to have some certainty and was low so they could ignore inflation in their forecasts. The original target range was 0-2% set in New Zealand, but as it spread around the world it got slightly adjusted to a 1-3% range.
The governments now try to directly control inflation by changing the cost of borrowing money. You might have recently had inflation hit as much as 9%, but this is nothing like what happened in the old days.
We’re in a lot of trouble if inflation cuts the value of the dollar by more than half in 13 years.
!We’re in a lot of trouble!< Agreed
That’s about 10 great indie games. Probably gonna have more fun with those. Just saying.
There’s absolutely no way they’re not putting an aggressive DRM on it.
Good luck.
Oh son you underestimated the pirate scene
Who would buy the game for that damn much anyway
No one would which is why it’s not happening. Even a collectors edition super deluxe version would not cost that much.
All that he’s saying is that by his super unrealistic view of the market the game should retail for about $150 but I suspect that even he knows that it will never sell at that price. Even if he doesn’t he isn’t the one that actually picked the price the marketing team will tell him that won’t work.
This is such a non-story. It’s like reporting every time that a Nintendo executive says something stupid about copyright, they’re always saying stupid stuff.
Avatar has a digital version selling for $130. If anyone can pull off $150 it’s Rockstar.
Whales gonna whale
I’m a patient gamer if something is too expensive I just end up trying something else until I remember that I was interested.
At that point it’s usually on sale.
Rumoured from out of people’s asses.
The CEO of Take Two said a comment about how he wished games were priced based on the hours of gameplay provided and not flat pricing.
Which then got clickbait headlines being written as outrage bait hypothesizing that in such a world GTA 6 proving 150 hours of content would be priced at $150.
Which evolved to headlines baiting even more outrage suggesting the CEO was actually thinking of pricing the game at $150.
Then people falling for the outrage bait have been writing pieces or creating memes in opposition of $150 game pricing - which literally has zero indications of being a thing.
It’s total BS, and a good reflection of just how shoddy games ‘journalism’ is these days.
With inflation, $150 is about $40 in 2021 money.
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But, I wouldn’t trust any rumor right now. We’ve had rumors for years
It’ll probably be free to play without single player but in order to play it you need to keep buying shark cards. Basically what they’ve done with GTA V after release.
Ps just joking I really hope they won’t do that.
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The leaks did have some singleplayer aspects but its pretty much guaranteed to have multiplayer with all the bs they got in gta 5. Its rockstar after all, they wouldnt pass on that.
Please stop giving them ideas
Do you really think sharks need training from fish?
Sing it with me now, “You are a pirate…”
GTA 6 Release date on PC - 2027
We need to repost this with Tim curry instead. Frankfurter > long John silver
Game costs $150? I know where Tim Curry is escaping to. The one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism
Months after console release, you mean.
Yep Rockstar never releases PC day and date to get y’all to double dip.
With the recent track record of AAA game studios and their milking of long-running series, it might not even be worth pirating.
Honestly, I stopped playing them properly after GTA3
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Absolutely was going to mention that one. That was probably my favorite one too… Once they went 3D with GTA3, it was fun too… But really, GTA4 was a similar game ( i didn’t even play that one much). GTA5, literally got bored at the beginning
I remember when I could go to Egghead and get an Apple II game that was a little old or just not super popular for like $5-10.
Hey man, Zork was the shit.
It was. I had an Apple II GS, and I remember programming BASIC games that I read in the back of a magazine.