CHICAGO (CBS) – It was a broken window complaint that led to a 14-year-old boy being shot by a police officer.

But before being shot, the teen had been repeatedly tasered. The intense pain caused the teen to run.

Dave Savini and the CBS 2 Investigators reveal a disturbing trend of who officers are more likely to use Tasers on.

  • stopthatgirl7
    1138 months ago

    a police disciplinary investigation into the incident didn’t even begin until last month - a year and a half after the teen was tasered and shot.

    And this is why ACAB. If it takes the cops that long to even start looking into a problem, then they don’t see it as a problem.

  • Snot Flickerman
    1098 months ago

    This just in: Cops turn out to be violent thugs attracted to a job where they face no consequences for being violent thugs.

  • Jessica
    768 months ago

    They traumatized a child for what? Those fucking pigs applied pain compliance techniques on a child. Then they shot him. The pig that shot him said that he thought he was using the taser. They thought that using a taser on a child was acceptable.

    I cannot say on here what I think should happen. I do like the smell of bacon sizzling in the pan though.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
      258 months ago

      For breaking a window, not assaulting someone with a deadly weapon, a broken window. Why wasn’t that a “where do you live? We need to speak with a parent or guardian” situation? Why are cops “arresting” a 14 yr old on hear say evidence from a lady that “has it on tape”, but never produced it to officers before they starting trying to cuff him?

        98 months ago

        Not even for breaking a window. For being in the area where there was a broken windows reported.

        And when he ran, they shot him in the back.

        • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
          17 months ago

          Just saw this article yesterday, the US is doomed.

          Police arrested more than 100 children at elementary schools during the 2020-2021 school year

          … those with disabilities such as ADHD or autism were still four times more likely to be arrested at school.

          A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate in May 2023 would ban schools from using restraints such as handcuffs on children for disciplinary reasons, though it wouldn’t prevent police from making arrests entirely.

          In 2022, a bill designed to reduce school arrests, the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act, failed to pass.

          Above emphasis is mine, and reading it makes me nauseous.

    8 months ago

    We have reviewed the footage and concluded we didn’t do anything wrong. The officer is now on paid leave (nice vacation) and any damages caused will be paid for by the tax payers.

    We now consider the matter closed.

    Huge /s just in case.


    528 months ago

    Jesus what an awkwardly worded headline. Who’s being hired as journalists these days?

    How about

    “They tortured him”; police Tased, then shot a special needs teen who broke a window

        8 months ago

        Are you sure? I asked chatGPT to come up with some headlines and they’re all fine.

        1. “CBS Investigates Disturbing Trend: Police Shooting of 14-Year-Old Follows Taser Incident”
        1. “Exclusive: CBS 2 Uncovers Troubling Pattern in Police Taser Use on Teens”
        1. “Chicago Police Shooting Reveals Alarming Taser Use on Youth: CBS Investigation”
        1. “Disturbing CBS Report: 14-Year-Old Shot by Police After Taser Incident”
        1. “CBS Investigation Exposes Police Taser Use on Teens: Shooting of 14-Year-Old Sparks Outrage”
      • AI does a better job than this. You can literally copy and paste this article into Chat GPT and ask it to write a headline and everything it spits out is better than this.

  • Flying Squid
    268 months ago

    This sort of thing terrifies me. I don’t think my daughter, despite her various psychological issues, would ever get to a point that we would have to call the police, and she does have the privilege of being white, but it’s at least within the realm of possibility.

    I can’t think of anything that scares me more than the possibility of outliving my daughter. This poor boy’s parents…

      28 months ago

      There’s one scenario I can think of that might be worse than outliving my own children. Outliving everyone. If I were to outlive any hypothetical children I might have, I’d be shattered, and probably depressed until I died. If I was a lone survivor of a nuclear or viral apocalypse, I’d probably go completely insane quite quickly. Permanent solitary confinement that has no hope of ending. Quite bleak.

        28 months ago

        I’m good at solitary, so I wouldn’t go insane, I’d become extremely lonely and suffer from prolonged depression, but carry on none the less.

  • originalucifer
    8 months ago

    reason # 32,286,232 why cops cannot be trusted with lethal weapons.

    disarm the police.

      • originalucifer
        108 months ago

        no, we just need to utilize the correct tools to get the identified job done without killing lots of people. thats not ‘zero policing’

          78 months ago

          Abolish the police, retain 911, 999, etc. and divert the funds into a variety of different services such as mental health crisis units.

          For violent crimes I would propose a community defense group. These members would be from the area they serve and would be subordinate to a community council structure, their positions immediately revocable, with consistent rotation of staff as to avoid the accumulation of power. There’s plenty more to say on the structure of local defense but at the end of the day, police intervening on violent crimes in progress is rare (they often make things worse to boot) and these community defense members would likely not be used much. Also, cops don’t prevent violence.

          Traffic cops are pointless, inconsistent and have repeatedly resulted in unnecessary deaths. With the exception of catching intoxicated drivers (another thing cops are bad at), they do very little to help. Replace them with publicly funded road rangers and additional EMS staff to handle accidents, traffic management, breakdowns, etc.

          Meter maids are pointless, get rid of them. Bylaw enforcement criminalizes poverty, get rid of it. Or if the poors absolutely have to suffer more, have a code enforcement wing (which already exists in most cities) with slightly more responsibility.

          Cops shouldn’t be handing investigations as they are right now. Robberies, murder, rape, theft, you name it. If they’re not handed the perpetrator on a silver platter in the first day or two, they’re more likely to drop it than solve it. There should be an independent body tasked with investigating crime. The community defense group can serve warrants and make arrests.

          Modern police have too much power, perverse incentives, a terrible history and the broader systemic pressures that maintain their existence are a black mark on society. They need to be torn down and built back from the ground up in a decentralized manner, with a complete shift in focus. Replace them with groups that are actually meant to protect and serve, with unhindered accountability to their community

          • RubberStuntBaby
            38 months ago

            You really think that amateurs with very little experience or training are a good way to deal with violent crime?

            • prole
              28 months ago

              Wait, is this a joke? Are you aware of how little training is required to become a cop in the US?

              28 months ago

              In the US, most police academies are 6 weeks. We have amateurs with very little training performing that job right now. It’s going terribly. I think it goes without saying that anyone who’s performing community defense roles would need thorough training and vetting before being allowed to serve

                28 months ago

                I say let former military members without PTSD do it. They already have a great deal of training in firearms safety and de-escalation.

                  18 months ago

                  That wouldn’t be a bad idea so long as they’re vetted like everyone else and don’t get in solely on their service. There’s a not insignificant amount of ex-military people in the police force as it is so I’m hesitant to say yes outright. But that wouldn’t be my call anyway in the system I’m proposing

          • queermunist she/her
            38 months ago

            Traffic cops are pointless, inconsistent and have repeatedly resulted in unnecessary deaths. With the exception of catching intoxicated drivers (another thing cops are bad at), they do very little to help. Replace them with publicly funded road rangers and additional EMS staff to handle accidents, traffic management, breakdowns, etc.

            Alternatively, abolish private car ownership.

                18 months ago

                It wasn’t a mistake, it was intentional. The auto manufacturers killed the railroad system to make selling cars more profitable.

              38 months ago

              You sound like someone who has only ever lived in a city. I grew up in a fairly rural area where getting groceries from anywhere other than a little corner store (equivalent to a convenience store) was a 30-45 minute drive. How would you propose handling that without private car ownership? Are we just going to abolish living outside of suburbs, too? Or are we going to fund bus service to all of the little podunk towns in the middle of nowhere?

              • queermunist she/her
                8 months ago

                I live in rural Iowa, the closest grocery store is 15 miles away. I have, in fact, ridden by ebike to do that a few times. We also actually have a rural bus service out here for the county, so it’s not like it’s an impossible idea for every rural county to have the same thing.

                But ultimately, little podunk towns don’t really need to exist and should mostly be resettled into the cities anyway. It’s just inertia that keeps them alive. Only rural farm, forestry, mining, fishing, and rural recreation workers really need to live out here and really only for a portion of the year. I certainly don’t need to live in the middle of fucking nowhere and I hate it.

                  8 months ago

                  You might hate it, but a lot of people strongly prefer that sort of lifestyle and would hate living in a city. Are you proposing we force everyone to conform to your preferences?

                  I agree that the current reliance on private vehicles is unsustainable, but rather than just abolishing private vehicle ownership, why not put resources into developing and promoting smaller, more reasonable personal transportation? e-bikes are neat and all but let’s see you pitch them to people living in northern Canada and see how long it takes them to laugh you out of the room.

      • YeetPics
        38 months ago

        The way cops run when there’s an actual threat we should be shooting these shit cops as well, fucking cowards.

      58 months ago

      I think we’ve seen cases where mortal fear and the associated adrenalin causes people to actually get up to save their own lives from this painful threat and try to flee to safety. There’s no actual reasoning going on at that point, from what I hear. But the cops are in their own uncontrolled fight/flight mode, albeit the other side of the coin, and the target is still twitching/running and therefore not subdued. Bad cops escalate to another weapon.