• SaakoPaahtaa@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I don’t know what news you read but what you’re saying is wrong - there definitely has been extensive news coverage on all the wars and conflicts you mentioned, it’s just a matter of reading them.

    For christ sake Bosnian war was ended by the west when the public pressure to stop a literal genocide grew too large, the massacre of Srebrenica being a massive catalyst to it. How “eastern media” was suddenly more right about it than western sources who actually were there is a point I either misunderstand or, more likely, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Also calling eastern media “more emotional” has that little subtle bit of racism, really putting the irony as the icing on this horrible comment.

    There are many reasons to read all media with the assumption that it is biased but this isn’t it.