So I got the message from instagram about either paying or using it free (at the cost personalised ads) just now.


Doesn’t this go against the GDPR? Either way, is there a FOSS alternative for instagram like piped is to youtube? It seems like a good opportunity to stop using the official app, even though it would be better to not use instagram at all (sadly not an option for me right now).

Any suggestions, and if so, are there any that provide functionality for: stories, posts, dms? Those are the 3 things I use instagram for.

Many thanks!

Edit: For messaging I do use beeper, though some media like carousels and posts sent to my dms cant be shown in there, so for those cases I open the official app.

Edit 2: many people have suggested pixelfed. Ive heard of it, and want to use it, but unfortunately the only reason Im still sticking with instagram is because I have very dear friends who would never change to anything non-mainstream. Theyre important enough that im willing to not delete it just yet, but I dont want to agree to either pay or pay with my data.

What im looking for is more like a piped for youtube, thing. So a frintend that has instagram content/features, but isnt the main app and avoids the problems I listed above

Edit 3: I ended up installing the site as a PWA on my phone as thats the only device I use it on, and uninstalled the official app. Thanks to everyone for all your input!

  • Doctor xNo
    938 months ago

    Should have posted that chain-text to my Facebook wall years ago so my profile would be blue and safe…

    Please forgive me,… I failed you all… 😭

      328 months ago

      I swear these specific copypastas are started by grad school sociology students for their thesis research or something.

        16 months ago

        Those, and the copypastas that end with “I want to see who’s brave/caring/proud enough to repost.”

    • Otter
      88 months ago

      Lmao completely forgot about that

  • Leraje
    668 months ago

    “Your info won’t be used for ads”

    But we’ll still be tracking everything you do and selling that on to everyone who wants it.

    488 months ago

    I have fond memories of the Internet 20-25 years ago.

    How did it turn into this much of a mess? Social Media, SEO, adverts, data mining, profiling, privacy nightmares… what a shit show.

      248 months ago

      The venture capital dollars started running out. Returns started being demanded. Companies that made slightly improved and/or more accessible versions of more open products extinguished those products using venture capital dollars then started rolling out the enshittification, demands for money, intrusive ads, spying, dark patterns, sabotaging, paid tiers.

      Back in those days the internet was a curiosity. A hobby. A fun thing to share, something a company might hope to break even on or earn minor profits with, these days big profits are demanded, centralization. Addiction to high resolution and size video and image content which is expensive to host and serve. The network effect drained smaller sites and resources, concentrating people in larger venues that had the investment dollars to support them at the cost of their privacy. Combine with search engine optimization and it became harder to even find smaller places. Add in digitally uneducated kids who thought fb and such were most of the internet and never bother to venture beneath the top 6 google results and older people and this is what you have.

      Take something like Omegle. I don’t want to defend what it was for most of its existence as the bad outweighed the good IMO (like 4chan) but something like that if made today would require linking your facebook or google account and serve you video ads every 5 minutes on top of banner ads. But back then it was just something some random guy could make for fun and not think “hmm I need real identities to monetize these people to ad networks to pay for this and turn a big profit selling the data they input”.

      8 months ago

      Enshittification happened.

      Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.

    428 months ago

    13€? Are they insane? If I were to use the platform I’d be willing to pay 3€ at most. 13€ is just ridiculous.

      448 months ago

      It’s on purpose. They know most people won’t pay, so now it’s carte blanche to their data. And if somebody’s desperate enough, they’ll pay 13€ and meta will make more money on the user than with ads.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        248 months ago

        They will collect and sell your data either way. They just won’t force ads down your throat if you pay them. This is what billionaires have done to our beloved internet.

      198 months ago

      The call to action button is the free plan, with subscribe having a secondary button style. That alone makes it clear they want to show you ads more than they want you to subscribe.

      28 months ago

      Per account! I have 2 on Instagram an done on FB. They offered an intro price for €10 that would go up to €19 on may 1st. I believe it is because one of my accounts is linked across IG and FB so they count as one… 🤷 lucky me! At this moment I have uninstalled and waiting to see how EU reacts to the “choice options”. Its more like a forced option really

  • davel [he/him]
    358 months ago

    €12.99/mo. sounds wildly overpriced to me in comparison to 1) cost to serve and 2) ad revenue. I’m not an ad revenue expert, but I have a hard time believing they make anywhere near €13/user/mo. from advertisers.

    • no banana
      168 months ago

      I guess the information they gather is worth enough that overpricing the subscription makes them more likely to retain free users.

      • Otter
        78 months ago

        The wording and the dark pattern on this screen should be violating the rules already. They very clearly want people to stay on the free plan, and likely aren’t even going to stop tracking users?

        Maybe they just want to show how it “failed” and make a case that people don’t care

    • magnetosphere
      98 months ago

      My god I just glanced quickly and thought it was 2.99. Asking 12.99 is an absolute joke.

    • promitheasOP
      38 months ago

      Is pixelfed an entirely different platform? Sadly i have many good friends on insta who i talk with, and they wouldnt ever switch to anything else, so because of that im stuck with meta. Otherwise i would 100% leave it

        8 months ago

        It is Instagram but federated in a nutshell. Just like Lemmy is similar to Reddit but federated. Whoah, wait I saw your profile and you do not know about Pixelfed?

        • promitheasOP
          8 months ago

          Ahh i see. Im going to edit my post now to specify that Im looking for an alternative frontend to instagram, such as piped is for youtube. Sadly i have friends on insta that I cant stop using it for now because of

          Edit: haha ive heard of it, but its not really what im looking for sadly

            28 months ago

            XD, I mean that you look like you would now a lot of this stuff, just that. Take it as a compliment.

            • promitheasOP
              38 months ago

              Actually lemmy was my first introduction to federated platforms. Im still a newbie :D

    298 months ago

    Ive heard of it, and want to use it, but unfortunately the only reason Im still sticking with instagram is because I have very dear friends who would never change to anything non-mainstream.

    This is called the network effect, it’s a social problem and no amount of technology will solve this. So your choices are either to stop using apps where you are the product, and obviously convince your friends to stop that as well, or grin and bear it. Maybe think about what you did 20 years ago and do that instead.

  • plz1
    198 months ago

    The fact that the ad revenue button is more emphasized and easier to press (closer to screen edge) says a lot about the value of you being their product vs. you simply paying them for access.

    98 months ago

    I setup my own pixelfed instance to share pictures of my kids and family. I own and control all the data on my server and no one gets to monetize pictures of my children.

    Not many of my family members are on there but I still prefer it to Instagram