• @boot20@lemmy.ml
    3311 months ago

    Reddit’s official app and new reddit are awful experiences and actively hostile to the user. It’s nice to see a site that understands this.

    • @t0ny@lemmy.ml
      1211 months ago

      I hate new reddit so much. I just opened it. On my 1440p monitor I see 3 posts. Old reddit I can see 18 posts on one page.

      • @aqeeliz@lemmy.ml
        211 months ago

        There are different layouts available on new reddit, you don’t have to use Card, switch to another one, there is even a compact one.

      • @manned_meatball@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        I never understood this argument. I can’t read more than one post at a time anyways and images are not immediately visible in the list view. What makes you want 18 posts visible at once?

        • @Gork@beehaw.org
          1111 months ago

          So you can select the post you want to actually look at instead of having to scroll and scroll to find one that interests you. Like in a classical forum post, essentially.

          • Pigeon
            511 months ago

            Agreed. It makes the posts you don’t want to see much easier to ignore. Even my favorite subreddits have posts I don’t care about, like r/fantasy posts praising Mistnorn for the billionth time.

            I don’t want giant images in my face right away, either, without warning of what they contain, especially if browsing unfamiliar or large subreddits.

          • @t0ny@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            That and I have tendonitis so less scrolling past crap I don’t care about means I have less pain / no pain.

            • @Gork@lemmy.ml
              111 months ago

              About a decade ago, Logitech had this awesome mouse with a freewheel spinning middle mouse. It allowed for a long spin after release and was excellent for up and down scrolling on a large page. Sadly they don’t seem to be made anymore. They were really fun.

  • wicked82 [ Ohio ]
    2911 months ago

    I hate the official app with the fire of 1,000 suns. So if my only options are using the official app or leaving the site completely I’m leaving completely✌️

  • @gds@lemmy.ml
    1911 months ago

    Reddit’s official app, and in fact Reddit’s official website is a hugely compromised experience, and I suspect the only reason they haven’t gone further is that they don’t want to push people to the alternatives. However this latest move to restrict the available alternatives seems like the beginning of the end to me and their app and site are only going to get worse.

    That’s why I’m here at least!

  • @prosopopeia@lemmy.ml
    1811 months ago

    The API changes was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I was on reddit right before the exodus from Digg, before that I used to go to Fark. So much has changed, it is sad to see it, but I guess it was inevitable. As companies grow their user base, they tend to start catering to a more generic (and bland) base and the higher ups demand never ending increase of revenue, quarter after quarter.

    So many memories; great ones (Today you, tomorrow me), awful ones (Jolly Rancher), some weird ones (Waffles? Don’t You Mean Carrots?), etc. I only use old.reddit with RES on Librewolf on my PC, and Redreader and Stealth on Android (FOSS apps).

    I am hoping to see Lemmy grow, I wish you all reddit refugees the best of luck!

  • @CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml
    1711 months ago

    I don’t want to use any app, I want to use the website. However, I’m guessing old.reddit is on the chopping block next and if they get rid of that I’m done. Lemmy’s website isn’t amazing (why so much whitespace wasted?) but it’s a hell of a lot better than new reddit.

  • @Cromutorium@lemmy.ml
    1711 months ago

    Joined lemmy after getting sick of reddit. The community here feels like a breath of fresh air. But disappointed at the lack of the more niche content (mostly motorsport discussion/news) but am sure that’ll change with time.

    • Rentlar
      1711 months ago

      disappointed at the lack of more niche content

      As of now it’s down to the lack of participating users in niche subs.

      So, glad to have you here! With enough people starting to create discussions on stuff they enjoy this place will get livelier than ever.

      Even Reddit had to start somewhere when the ability to comment was added to the site in 2005, you know.

      • @Cromutorium@lemmy.ml
        611 months ago

        I was half wondering if it was possible/allowed to create a bot account that “mirrors” content from certain subreddits such as r/formula1 to create an automated newsfeed for lemmy users to browse and comment on? I guess even if it were possible it’d rely on using reddit’s API which is obviously soon to be a no-go

  • @Moonrise2473@lemmy.ml
    1611 months ago

    I have a question. As most of you probably already know, i reached that level on reddit where karma can be converted 1:1 to dollars (not that hard tbh), but here looks like there’s no karma to farm? How can I pay my rent?

    • Amir
      311 months ago

      This might be added in an future update? This place will change alot coming months for sure.

  • @_number8_@lemmy.ml
    1211 months ago

    hopefully 21 miles of cromulent posting

    it would be amazing if a site could replicate that early day reddit feeling

      • @espersentinel@lemmy.ml
        1411 months ago

        As someone who joined reddit around 2015 its pretty cool seeing a site this empty for some reason. Feels like early internet in a very cool way

        • @Blaskowitz@lemmy.ml
          1311 months ago

          The current internet is shit now. There’s too much noise and not enough depth. I like the vibe here so far. This is my first post hello world etc.

          • ToastyWaffle
            411 months ago

            I joined earlier today as well, welcome:)

            I agree there is so much noise on Reddit, and just mobs of downvotes and harassment. The slower pace here is breath of fresh air, even with an exodus of people coming, it will be a long time (or never) when it gets as bad as reddit is today.

  • beepnoise
    911 months ago

    And I would walk five hundred miles

    and I would walk five hundred more

    just to be the man who walked one thousand more

    to get the fuck away from spez

  • @caribou@lemmy.ml
    811 months ago

    Part of the Digg exodus and on Reddit for ~14 years, Old.Reddit + Reddit Enhancement Suite for PC and Reddit is Fun on Android are the only reason I lasted so long.

    • @Schaedelbach@feddit.de
      111 months ago

      Exactly the same! Except I never really liked and used Digg. Other than that: RIF on my phone and old Reddit plus RES for way over a decade. Cheers!

      • @orclev@lemmy.ml
        511 months ago

        When RIF stops working that will be the end of Reddit on my mobile. I’ll never use that pile of hot garbage they call a client. I can’t say for sure I’ll never use it on the desktop again, at least as long as old reddit keeps working. If they kill old reddit though, yeah I’ll never go back.

  • @Woedin@lemmy.ml
    811 months ago

    I’m only a 6 year clubber on Reddit, but using RIF for most of it, couldn’t stand how the app was going. Nowadays it’s the content as well. Going to be exploring around here now

    • @cheems@lemmy.ml
      311 months ago

      Exactly why I’m here, except I was on Reddit longer. But rif is what made it barrable

    • @Percy@lemmy.one
      111 months ago

      Because Lemmy is open source once the mass migration happened expect a bunch of new mobile apps for it instead of just jerboa

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
      1011 months ago

      Yea but it has ads and trackers! And 3 different chat systems! And crypto! Aren’t you excited for what the PMs introduce next?!