• @czech@lemmy.world
    1128 months ago

    Meanwhile, In n Out serves a better burger, for less money, paying their workers $19+/hr.

    • DreamButt
      518 months ago

      Yes, buuut in-n-out is also crazy religious so don’t put them on too high a pedestal

        • @Sarmyth
          7 months ago

          Removed by mod

          • @Microplasticbrain@lemm.ee
            58 months ago

            They did it in other states but couldn’t in California because of some state law. Innout is one of the few fast foods I still eat, they pay decent wages compared to their competitors, but they aren’t perfect. I think they still have bible verses on the bottom of cups.

      • @rifugee@lemmy.world
        48 months ago

        Does the owner being religious effect whether or not they can pay a living wage and still make a profit? I personally don’t think so. I think the key difference is that the company is private.

        • @Captain_Patchy@lemmy.world
          18 months ago

          I think the key difference is that the company is private.

          The magic answer! A private company is run by a C** and Board that are allowed to decide when it’s profitable enough and are not subject to the requirement of coming up with ANOTHER 15% MORE profit THAN last quarter, EVERY. SINGLE. QUARTER. Or be replaced by the shareholders.

  • Yote.zip
    878 months ago

    This is what being addicted to ever-growing profit looks like. They could still make mountains of profit with the new minimum wage, but they can’t make as much profit as they did before.

    • Obinice
      478 months ago

      If they aren’t increasing their profits every year endlessly, they’ll have to stop using that one clipart of the arrow line going up on a graph in their presentations.

      They sacked the guy that knew how to change the image years ago and they’re in too deep now to stop

    • iAmTheTot
      58 months ago

      Or, you know, make as much profit by the executives taking a pay cut.

      • @Jelly_mcPB@lemmy.world
        48 months ago

        McDonald’s has 200,000 employees, and another 2 million that work for McDonald’s franchises. Thats 2,200,000 for every 100 million you took from the executives, you could give every employee a $45 bonus.

        • flying_monkies
          88 months ago

          And if they took the money they use in stock buybacks and used that for salary, what would it be?

          • @Jelly_mcPB@lemmy.world
            18 months ago

            Fired, they would all be fired. If you dissolve a company, there is no more company. For every billion dollars, you are talking about 450 bucks. Per person. While there is certainly a lot of bloat, it would knew cap them to get rid of management. It would any company. I’m not saying there is no need for reform and change, but in lots of companies even local management gets stock options.

              • @Jelly_mcPB@lemmy.world
                18 months ago

                And when they dissolve those options for a one time 10,000 dollar benefit, then what? You got exactly what your payout would be, as a single mom, with 2 kids in income tax, for one year, so what after that? You sound like a 15 year old kid that is terrified at getting their first job to help your parents pay for their phone, car, and insurance on said first car. There are 50 jobs that you would never need to worry about this in. Maybe you wouldnt need to worry about any of that nonsense. Maybe you can’t be an alternative artist that " arts" for 12 hours a week, but you can still make a livable wage off a trade, or a little higher learning.

                • flying_monkies
                  8 months ago

                  You really don’t understand what you’re talking about. Maybe you should actually read the link, do some research and apply some thought before you get offended for the poor corporation.

                  If you pulled your head from your fourth point of contact, you’d understand what a buyback is. Then you might do further research and notice that over the last four years, McDonald’s, on average, spends 3b/year on buybacks rather than spend the money on paying a decent wage for their employees.

                  Or, you can keep making shit up to fit your bullshit world view of “corporations great, every who works is just greedy”.

                  Pretty sure I already know the way you’ll go. I’ve given you a start for things to look at, it’s the best I can do for the youth of today.

              • @Jelly_mcPB@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                They have 200,000 actually employed by m Mc Donald’s and another 2,000,000 employed by McDonald’s franchises genius. Guess which ones are the workers most people see everyday.

  • @nature_man@lemmy.world
    818 months ago

    The prices were always gonna be raised, the wage increase is just an easy excuse, if the wage increase is reversed the prices will 100% still be raised and will almost definitely stay there.

      • @nature_man@lemmy.world
        78 months ago

        Its not just labor they like to blame. I remember my local McDonald’s raised prices by around 10 cents across the board without giving a reason even though they had gotten a tax cut that year, next year the tax was raised to its previous value and they raised prices again, this time citing the “tax increase”. Corps will ALWAYS find a way to raise prices and blame it on something other than greed.

  • @brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    738 months ago

    Fox business coming through with a piece to say “we told you so” and “higher wages just mean higher prices.”

    Fuck Fox.

    • @jaspersgroove@lemm.ee
      28 months ago

      They won’t lower prices until people stop buying. And most Americans will happily spend themselves into the poorhouse in the name of convenience, and then blame the government for it, so…

  • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
    448 months ago

    Let them price themselves out of business then. Someone will come along and make an affordable burger.

    • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
      188 months ago

      “The free market will fix it” seldom works, which is why it’s still pushed as a solution.

      Could this hypothetical someone make a more affordable burger ethically, or would they also have to fuck over their employees and suppliers?

      Usually, the answer is “no”. Businesses either use all the same sleazy, “race to the bottom” techniques or they go out of business because they offered a more expensive product to people without the luxury of being able to spend more.

      But of course if you start paying people more, the billionaires will just fuck them out of that too. They want every dollar you have and they know people will spend every dollar they have to avoid being homeless or hungry.

        • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          So am I, but that’s not what you were advocating.

          Without regulations, you won’t get “if you can’t ethically provide fast food then there will be no fast food”, you’ll just get another fast food company that’s even more unethical.

              • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
                18 months ago

                All I’m talking about is food prices and wages. If they raise their prices and their target audience stops going—then they will lower prices or go out of business.

                They are more than capable of keeping prices the same and paying more… they just get less profit.

                The company who says “we will pay more wages and keep our prices the same” will eventually be the “cheaper burger” and profit more by taking all of the business.

                This is the end of my participation. Good day.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    388 months ago

    Large Fast Food Chains: We made record profits, again!

    Also Large Fast Food Chains: Wait! If we are required to actually pay our staff, how will I, Mr. CEO the Douchebag, afford my 16th yacht? How will I be able to send my children to the finest schools in the world? How will I be able to afford to eat if my workers aren’t suffering? Won’t anyone think of the 1% and our problems?

    • @TheRedSpade@lemmy.world
      98 months ago

      I doubt sales will change much. Most people who eat at McDonald’s do so because they’re addicted to it. Rising prices won’t stop them.

      • athos77
        158 months ago

        When I used to eat at McDonald’s, it was because I was working 3 jobs and it was a quick, cheap way to get something vaguely nutricious into my body en route between jobs. Because of understaffing , the delays to order, to pay, and to get your food mean it’s no longer fast; and it’s certainly no longer cheap. The only remaining advantage is the “en route between jobs” part, but it’s just easier to store a cooler in the car now.

      • themeatbridge
        88 months ago

        I eat at McDonald’s because it’s cheap, it’s fast, and it’s reliably consistent. There are four or five different cheap fast food restaurants near the local McDonald’s. If they all raise their prices, it won’t be cheaper than a local restaurant burger, so the only advantage is time.

    • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      408 months ago

      Except they can easily afford to pay their employees a living wage while charging LESS than they already do. That would mean less profiteering though, can’t have that.

      • donuts
        8 months ago

        You’re right, but the prices of things are determined by supply and demand, not the goodness of some CEO’s heart.

        If McDonald’s determines that raising their prices has sapped demand (at that price) they will be forced to lower the price by cutting into their profits somewhat or otherwise lowering their costs.

        In capitalism, businesses will always set prices as high as consumers allow them to get away with.

        • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          the prices of things are determined by supply and demand

          Nowhere near reality. Corporations and banks have been artificially depressing wages and inflating costs for decades. The prices of things and labor are determined by regulatory capture aka the rich and powerful bribing the people writing the rules.

          If McDonald’s determines that raising their prices has sapped demand (at that price) they will be forced to lower the price by cutting into their profits somewhat or otherwise lowering their costs.

          Aww it’s so adorable if you actually believe that 🥹

          In capitalism, businesses will always set prices as high as consumers corrupt politucians allow them to get away with.

          Fixed that for you.

          • donuts
            38 months ago

            Hmm… On one hand I could go with fundamental logic and economics… But on the other hand some condescending guy on the fediverse said I’m wrong.

            Say whatever makes you feel better about yourself but it’s not exactly rocket science: if McDonalds charged $15 for a Big Mac, a significant number of people would get their burgers at a competing restaurant. If they charged $20 for a burger, nobody would ever go there.

            Prices are not set arbitrarily by the deep state cabal or whatever nonsense you want to believe in.

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              48 months ago

              fundamental logic and economics

              That’s just it: you have to look at just the basics and pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist in order to conclude “supply and demand. End of story.”

              some condescending guy

              Yeah, when you’ve heard grown people pretending to know anything confidently state the same childishly simplistic take that just so happens to comport with their own biases but not the whole of reality a few hundred if not thousand times, you get a bit jaded.

              I’d apologise for my condescension being rude, but frankly your confident assertion that the basics are the end result is even more rude in its assumption that I must be enough of a moron to be convinced by the most trite bullshit.

              it’s not exactly rocket science

              True, but it’s a hell of a lot less basic than you pretend.

              If McDonalds charged $15 for a Big Mac, a significant number of people would get their burgers at a competing restaurant. If they charged $20 for a burger, nobody would ever go there.

              Except for the fact that some people greatly prefer the Big Mac to anything the competitors have to offer, others don’t have any competitor close enough to make switching worthwhile for them, others still have an irrational brand loyalty to McDonald’s sometimes to the point of it being an integrated part of their personality.

              There’s thousands of factors like these that give them power over the customer rather than the completely straightforward 1:1 interaction you’re assuming.

              Prices are not set arbitrarily by the deep state cabal or whatever nonsense you want to believe in.

              To claim any such thing would indeed be nonsense, which is why I didn’t.

          • @helenslunch@feddit.nl
            28 months ago

            Corporations and banks have been artificially depressing wages and inflating costs for decades.

            Such “artificial” inflation would require collusion on a global scale, is that what you’re implying?

          • @lemmington_steele@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            you still need to sell the burger to make your income (franchising aside for now). no matter how monopolistic you are, there is always a demand constraint

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              58 months ago

              no matter how monopolistic you are, there is always a demand constraint

              Not necessarily. People can’t choose to not eat and some people simply don’t have any other options due to factors such as living in a food desert, not being able to afford better ready-made food, lacking either the ability, time or energy (often two or all three) to cook themselves and other limiting factors.

              Like with employment, the “free market” of food isn’t anywhere near as free or equal as “it’s just supply and demand” types pretend to imagine.

    • snooggums
      88 months ago

      This is business, there are a myriad of things businesses do to get and stay profitable, though the corporations profits should not come at the expense of their labor forces ability to earn a living wage.

      Hiking prices in response to increasing wages to a reasonable level is coming at the expense of their labor forces ability to earn a living wage.

  • @BigMacHole@lemm.ee
    158 months ago

    Told you Libruls! The Big Mac was still $0.99 before this law was signed because companies NEVER raise prices unless they have to raise wages!

  • @qwertyWarlord@lemmy.world
    138 months ago

    It literally doesn’t matter, fox. If it’s so bad, why hasn’t McD’s up and left the state? Why haven’t people stopped buying it? All the blather in the world isn’t bringing California down so go eat shit.