Alt text for the main image.

Creepy low quality picture of Ruby, a rabbit from Animal crossing staring at the camera with her usual pokerface and there’s pink fancy text above her saying “mfw he says she’s just a good friend”.

Ruby in her natural habitat.

Ruby still with her poker face as always pasted into a photo of the moon from it's surface taken by nasa. Photo of a screen taken with a smartphone of a dialog in Animal Crossing: Wild World where Ruby says "I can't like anything other people are into." ~(ikr?! they’ll think I’m normal like them…)~

She’s so expressive <3

Collage of 7 badly cropped renders of Ruby with different poses but the same face and clothes, with a pink background with big pink gems all over it. Another photo of a dialog where Ruby says "What?! You have GOT to be joking, Ruby! I'm a rising star, GOSH DARN IT!" ~(She’s fighting herself and she’s WINNING.)~


Render of Ruby staring at the camera with her pokerface and big shiny eyes and big text above her saying "tbh.", like in the autism creature meme.

Feliz Jueves!!!

The Feliz Jueves meme but replacing Asuka from Evangelion with Ruby in a similar pose, "Vengo Corriendo Que Quiero ser La Primera Persona En Desearte un Feliz Jueves!!!"