• hark@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You’ve got it backwards. Desperately wanting to uphold the status quo is what brought Trump’s victory. When people are dissatisfied with the status quo and you’ve got Hillary going on with business as usual while Trump is promising to “drain the swamp” people will go with it even if it’s a lie. There is at least that glimmer of hope that things will be different. It’s a similar messaging as Obama’s “hope and change”.

    You talk about 2 unpaid wars, blowing up the deficit, an erosion of rights, and the economy melting down under Bush, but how did Obama fix any of that? After campaigning on change, Obama continued those wars (and added more military action: https://edition.cnn.com/2014/09/23/politics/countries-obama-bombed/index.html), extended and expanded bailouts to wall street and failing industries (while not punishing a single person responsible), and extended and expanded the surveillance state by renewing and increasing the powers under the Patriot Act. Even his signature Affordable Care Act did little to fix issues as health insurance companies posted record profits each year. Obama nominated milquetoast judges at best in a pathetic attempt to look “centrist” and then sat idly by and let republicans rob a justice nomination. He could’ve taken action but he insisted on doing things in the most ineffectual way possible, maybe out of the thought that it was impossible for Hillary to lose.

    You’re believing this sob story about Hillary hitting some sort of glass ceiling when in reality she would’ve followed the same damn script as all these other bastards. If you’re trapped in a room, do you bang on the door or the wall? Clearly you bang on what is more likely to give in, that is why it will seem like the democrats are getting more blame, but the reality is they’ve been made into the only solution in this system and it’s a shit solution, but it’s all we got, so we have to apply as much pressure as possible on them.

    • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It’s not backwards to believe that the world doesn’t suddenly change into candy land a mere 8 years from an economic catastrophe that had the country a hair’s breadth away from straight up shutting down ATMs.

      But that’s on Hillary? The backwards part is your expectation.

      Both bush and Obama had GOP led congresses and throughout his entire admin Obama had to contend with republicans calling any progress socialism while question the president’s own citizenship… while claiming Hillary eats babies…

      The US is so big it doesn’t turn on a dime and even GOP fascists couldn’t remake the country in a single term. Yet it’s Hillary’s fault we didn’t live in a Star Trek utopia 8 years after bush fucked the whole country?

      So the precious status quo is clearly democrats’ fault for continuously supporting liberal policies that do improve people’s lives all while the GOP nominates “David Duke without the baggage” for house speakership… I got that backwards? Because in 8 years Obama didn’t creat a liberal utopia with a GOP led congress after bush damn near burnt the whole thing down?

      Was it just not fast enough of an improvement or did trump have policies that convinced you republicans are better? I’m pretty sure none of that is on Hillary and more on people citing the “status quo” instead having a memory that persists longer than a single presidency.

      At some point the fault has to go to stupid fucking voters who think the world changes on a dime… not onto a single candidate. It’s not a sob story involving a glass ceiling as apparently it’s a sob story of lazy morons whining that the status quo doesn’t make them feel good.

      Things have only gotten worse so I don’t think it’s backwards to stop blaming Hillary and focus on any idiot who rather than choosing Coke vs Pepsi, requested “one large dog shit please” instead. That’s not really on Hillary and more on a history of moronic goldfish that can’t recall the last recession. It doesn’t have to be the ideal choice for someone to do the right thing. The whole argument is BS, point to a time in human history where the “status quo” was so fucking great ? Meanwhile 2016 was just so icky…

      • hark@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You’re just making one excuse after another. Obama had a supermajority at the beginning of his term. He was in a great position to push forward for the rights of women and he had campaigned on this. Then what happened? This: https://www.reuters.com/article/obama-abortion-idUKN2946642020090430

        The reality is that people’s lives weren’t improving, not enough. Democrats could do A LOT, A LOT, A LOOOOOT more but they insist on doing things as slow as possible, taking a tiny step forward and letting republicans take five steps back. It’s all for show and I’m sorry to inform you, but you’re being taken for a ride. The fault is not on the voters. They gave Obama a supermajority. Don’t be surprised if support fails to the wayside when insufficient action is taken. The only stupid fucks are the politicians who think they’re owed votes and the dumb fucks who parrot this absolutely idiotic line of thinking. Stop serving up a large dog shit with a kernel of corn in it as the only alternative to the regular large dog shit and then saying “well you should be happy with the kernel of corn in it!!”

        • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          No I’m describing how the world was objectively better but no for everyone everywhere 8 years after a fucking meltdown.

          You’re the one making excuses by justifying trump because specific legislation wasn’t passed.

          You’re right, your chosen law wasn’t passed, at a time when roe v wade was considered “settled law” also… THE PRESIDENT DOESNT WRITE NOR PASS BILLS. So blame congress not Hillary. Are you implying that if congress had enshrined abortion into law that Obama or Hillary wouldn’t sign that bill?

          Meanwhile they did pass the Ledbetter pay act. But fuck the whole democrat party right? So vote trump as an improvement? Do you hear how fucking stupid that sounds?

          https://www.huffpost.com/entry/debunking-the-myth-obamas_b_1929869 Obama had a super majority for less than 2 years out of 8. So why ignore that plus the fact that Obama doesn’t write or vote on bills… neither would Hillary…? So… your precious “status quo” is all their fault?

          “ It’s not good enough” so you vote trump. THAT sounds like an excuse to me. I agree democrats could ALWAYS have done more, and ideally the democrat party would be a progressive utopia with highly aligned ideologies…

          But it’s not. No party has been… so is that a reason to vote for trump? It’s Hillary’s fault?

          Again it sounds like you’re the one making excuses for choosing straight up “dogshit” over Pepsi vs Coke. You know cause one president apparently didn’t remake the world in your image in 8 years post economic meltdown… these aren’t realistic or or even cognizant positions to hold.

          • hark@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I see you’ve learned nothing from 2016. Can’t wait for you to make the same mistake over and over again while telling everyone how much better their lives supposedly are and how stupid they are for not voting for yet another corporate stooge. Yeah, Obama did only have 2 years with a supermajority, probably because he immediately went back on his campaign promises, which was the point of the link I gave to that “specific legislation” that you dismissed so readily. That was just one of many campaign promises that Obama immediately went back on and obviously he suffered for it in the next election, but nah, forget learning lessons from that, right? You’re too smart to learn lessons, it’s clearly the stupid voters’ fault for not coming out in droves to vote for someone breaking promises made and making no efforts to show that they’re trying to fight for them.

            I didn’t vote for Trump, but I also can’t control how others vote. It’s up to the politician to give voters a reason to vote. If they can’t do that then they’ve failed at their job. Instead you think the smart move is to shame people into voting for someone who does little to show voters any benefit. Real smart. Again, the choice currently isn’t “dogshit vs coke vs pepsi” it’s “dogshit vs dogshit with corn in it”.

            Funny how democrats can barely do anything in eight years but supposedly Trump brought on the apocalypse in only four. Have fun figuring out why republicans are so much more effective than spineless democrats. You obviously haven’t learned after all these years.

            • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              “Probably” why he lost a supermajority? Do you hear yourself?

              The link you provided showed the priorities of an administration that could not wave a wand and solve that problem, meanwhile greater problems (like the entire economy melting down) did exist so you split hairs about what could have been. Obama suffered so much from this “status quo” that he got re-elected? Notice the link I sent showed you were recycling the same false talking points that Romney had, you know him, the guy that voters didn’t elect…

              Keep focusing on Obama’s campaign promises while republicans make no promise beyond hurting people, so you achieve what? And that’s Hillary’s fault?

              I agree that the Democratic Party could do more to inspire voters, but voters are also responsible for whining about inspiration while fascism knock on their door. “Shame” is the label that idiots would give to excuse, to explain, their own BS while allowing others to pursue evil. If you think it’s Hillary’s fault you deserve shame as much as you shirk involvement or understanding in the overall process.

              “Breaking promises” is a literal excuse. The type of excuse you accused me of making. The reality is that making the excuse of “breaking promises” like you’re a jilted lover is a matter of interpretation such that anyone leveraging that crap is clearly absolving themselves of poor civic understanding. So now, we all suffer trump because of morons’ understanding of “status quo”.

              Ike honestly I agree with you that democrats should have put forth a more compelling choice, but to say Hillary just isn’t compelling enough in the face of trump is really a statement of ignorance over civic involvement. Anyone who didn’t vote and let trump take the office should be just as ashamed as those who voted for fascism. They didn’t make the informed choice, nor did they make the right one. “Learning from 2016” shouldn’t mean running Hillary again, but it’s fucking stupid to think that “learning from 2016” has to mean electing republicans “because of my feelings…”

              • hark@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                Calm down. I said “probably” because failures can’t be pinned down to only one thing, but failure to deliver is a pretty damn major factor. You need to hear people other than yourself, because you keep talking about electing republicans when no one has suggested this is what we do. It’s all in your head. If you want to keep insisting that “everything was fine” and that shaming voters into voting will win elections, then I don’t know what to say other than that you should learn how to gain voters because that ain’t it.

                Don’t forget than Hillary’s team made the ingenious move of doing what they could to make Trump the republican nominee: https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/

                So yeah, stop shaming and blaming others when the drooling morons running the democratic party make the stupidest moves at every opportunity and refuse to operate any differently because they’re “tHe mOsT qUaLiFiEd EvEr” and “tHe StAtUs QuO iS fInE” and “wE nEeD tO rEaCh AcRoSs ThE aIsLe” and “mUh dEcOrUm”.

                • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  Ok let’s make this as simple and no-caps as you can handle…

                  You are citing “a failure to deliver” as an excuse. Remember that excuses are what you tried to place on others. While also saying shit is too hard for you to pin down? Again you said “probably”

                  In a 2 party system you keep acting like there is a 3rd way that doesn’t equate to fascism. You call the democrats drooling morons… meanwhile republicans can’t even elect a speaker. So you ignore the alternative in every chance, and it just so happens that it means you get to demean democrats. I’m not sure why you ignore the political cause of most every problem you cite, but it always seems to add up to you pissing on democrats…

                  That just shows everyone the limits of you and and your “argument”. You never once get to the source of your problems while assigning blame to one party and one party only. In any reply you’ve offered so far have you ever explained how republicans could possibly share blame? Spoiler alert! - no you have not in any comment or reply.

                  So because this is BS… I should probably ignore it… but here the internet is… with you acting like other people are “backwards”.