Kinda curious because a lot of our heraldry and vexillology, although it looks great, it always include the same 2 or 3 symbols, like the hammer and sickle, red star, etc., and there isn’t much variations in the symbols used. So, staying away from stuff already used by Socialist states and movements, what are some non-Communist symbols do you think are a good fit for it?

    2 years ago

    I’m not going to suggest dolphins because they have already been used, but I like animal imagery so I want to recommend a couple to consider.

    • Ants and Bees: strong association with working and communal effort
    • Crows: intelligent communal animals who are also a bit vengeful and represent transition
    • Flamingos: LGBTQ+ association and groups that works together while allowing individuality
    • Elephants: Big, stronk, and have deep community ties enough to morn each other

    The biggest issue is there may be difficulty translating animal imagery across cultural boundaries.

        2 years ago

        In my mind, I included them with dolphins which were excluded. We know they are already fighting the good fight.

        2 years ago

        Rape and sexual coercion has been observed in many animals and is hardly unique to dolphins. If you look at humans we display horrific behavior on scales no animal is capable of especially to our prey(which may include humans). Dolphins are aggressive predators and sexually aggressive as well, but I don’t think it is reasonable to judge other animals using human morality. Dolphins exhibit altruism helping injured and dying members to stay afloat. Dolphins are able to communicate through vocalization with each other and are able to exhibit multigenerational social learning. Dolphins also exhibit other undesirable behaviors like infanticide. It’s important to have a nuanced view on the world and banish black and white moralism.

        I think it is import to respect animals and nature for what they actually are instead of what you want them to be, but for symbology most people don’t think rapist when they see a dolphin.