“ We have unusually strong marketing connections; Vitalik approves of us; Aella is a marketing advisor on this project; SlateStarCodex is well aware of us. We are quite networked in the Effective Altruism space. We could plausibly get an Elon tweet. ”

From the short investor spiel document. Also they want to just bypass the FDA?

  • AcausalRobotGod
    49 months ago

    When somebody wants to put bacteria in my mouth, hearing Aella is involved definitely makes me more likely to hop on board.

  • @Evinceo@awful.systems
    10 months ago

    Ok, read their actual pitch. Lmao they think that a one time introduction of a GMO bacteria strain is going to ‘just work’ because they’ve also GMO’d it to outcompete other bacteria?

    There’s a reason we aren’t running our cars on yeast-produced gasoline. No matter how awesome your tuned microbe is, it’s still subject to mutation and natural selection. If your beneficial changes aren’t actually helping it survive, they will not be conserved. And those ‘competitive’ changes you jacked it up with to make sure it dominates the environment? Well, that might end up horizontally transferred into something you don’t like.

    About the right amount of ‘we humans are smarter than dumb biology’ metal-fetishism I’d expect from the folks concerned.

  • @swlabr@awful.systems
    210 months ago

    Broke: contemporary dentistry

    Still broke: putting GM bacteria in your mouth to prevent cavities

    Woke: examining your teeth for cavities before and after licking interesting objects found in nature and getting bonus nootropics out of it

  • @MBM@lemmings.world
    110 months ago

    Furthermore, we don’t have to worry about regulatory slapdown if we sell it as a medical tourism product in, say, Próspera. We could brand this as a secret medical treatment for the super-elite, like Peter Thiel’s StemcenterX or Minicircle’s regenerative medicine hub, and charge $20,000 a dose.

    Why is this option A?

    • Carlito!
      210 months ago

      @MBM @saucerwizard

      $20,000 and a trip to Honduras seems pricey for some bacteria, but maybe they can package it with other … services …

      • @maol@awful.systems
        29 months ago

        A moment of silence for the people of Honduras, who have to live with these weirdos.

        Christ, Próspera is another planned city? What is it with these maniacs and planning ideologies that went out of fashion in the thirties?

          • @maol@awful.systems
            29 months ago

            What is it with these maniacs and planning ideologies that went out of fashion in the thirties forties?

    • @Umbrias@beehaw.org
      210 months ago

      I mean, the clear answer is because it’s not going to work. We all know that but I think it’s worth spelling out.

      If they thought they could actually make it work they wouldn’t need to do any of this. They’d sell it to p&g and retire instantly.

  • @froztbyte@awful.systems
    110 months ago

    the person behind it appears to be a “Jeffrey D Hillman”, and this appears to be the first round: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-DE004529-10

    probably worth someone digging into that to see what else may surround the person

    from the “Safety Review and FAQ” document:

    Will this spread to everyone I kiss? It’s very unlikely in non-immunocompromised adults. However, if you’re concerned, you should avoid kissing anyone taking oral antibiotics, or children.

    “sure let’s just casually become a walking science experiment and then thinking to first ask whether the other person is taking oral antibiotics. oh and children, because mouth-kissing children is perfectly normal to me, the author of this document”

    this was from just like 2min of glancing at this mess so far and fucking what

      • @gerikson@awful.systems
        110 months ago

        Buried in the google drive is a note that this does not remove the need for brushing teeth, but it just notes that not doing that will give you bad breath.

        In fact I believe that this is the true cause of this not being a product - people will still need to brush their teeth for other reasons than preventing cavities. If brushing teeth correctly currently lessens the risk of both caries and periodontal disease, having a shot that removes the risk of caries could conceivably mean less conscientious tooth care, which increases the risk of gum problems.

    • @Evinceo@awful.systems
      110 months ago

      HN: Just rinse out your mouth with water after eating and no cavities. Dentists hate this one weird trick.

  • @maol@awful.systems
    110 months ago

    Effective Altruits are a good marketing demographic to target I suppose. Gullible and wealthy.

  • @gerikson@awful.systems
    110 months ago

    A variant of this organism was first created in 1985, and volunteers deliberately inoculated themselves with the modified strain. This has, to our knowledge, caused no ill effects since.

    Who needs the FDA when you have vague hunches?

  • @swlabr@awful.systems
    110 months ago

    Now I want Shark Tank but it’s all treacles luminaries. Wait that’s just the VC scene in silicon valley. Never mind

    • @bitofhope@awful.systems
      110 months ago

      At least the people on Shark Tank sometimes bring in cool or entertaining prototypes. Your version would be just slide decks of fintech, vaporware and things that already exist but with a subscription model slapped on.

    • @swlabr@awful.systems
      10 months ago

      Ok I figured out how to salvage it. People come on and pitch sensible business ideas that get shot down. We’d also get quotes like:

      Aella: “If I take on an advisory role, will I be required to shower?”

      Pinker: draws line up and to the right on graph “This problem is already as good as solved. I don’t see why any action on my part is necessary.”

      EY: “You do not think in sufficient detail, and for that reason, I’m out.”

      • @bitofhope@awful.systems
        110 months ago

        Watch me bring them something unnecessarily overcomplicated that boosts their ego to win all of the money.

        A micropayment platform designed to integrate with long form textual content. The subscribers will be able to vote with their wallets on the topic they wish the CONTENT_CREATOR to cover.

        But there’s a game theoretic twist. The final price of each vote will be discounted based on the share of votes it received, so if you vote for the winning option, your votes will end up costing less. This encourages strategic voting based on what would be the most interesting topic to the largest share of subscribers, incentivizing subscribers to maximize for total utility instead of just their own interests.

        Additionally, below a certain threshold of share the votes will be free of charge. This is to encourage heterodox views and foster engagement with unconventional interests that would otherwise be risky to vote for.

        The cutoff for the free Complimentary Contrarian’s Votes will be determined by a prediction market running in parallel with the vote.

        The winning votes will become investments into the post, binding the CONTENT_EXCRECATOR to CREATE_THE_CONTENT and based on some configurable metric (post score, ad revenue etc.) the investment will accrue dividends, which the subscriber can cash out to a charitable organization. However, this can only be done once per publication per subscriber, meaning the subscriber should wait for the investment to accumulate before cashing in. A global high score will show the subscribers who have cashed in the largest amount in donations and their voting power will be increased in proportion to their score.

        I want 15% equity and a public live stream session of the AI box game with Yud where I roleplay as the shittalking French knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

        • @200fifty@awful.systems
          110 months ago

          The winning votes will become investments into the post, binding the CONTENT_EXCRECATOR to CREATE_THE_CONTENT and based on some configurable metric (post score, ad revenue etc.) the investment will accrue dividends

          I’m in, but only if this part is handled by fractionalizing an NFT linking to the original post on your custom blockchain

      • @Soyweiser@awful.systems
        10 months ago

        Think the issue here is more that it is run by Rationalists, and they ask 20k for it. (and all the other biotech things they want to do bypassing the FDA, like isn’t that also a NRx thing, he asked rhetorically).

    • @froztbyte@awful.systems
      110 months ago

      it’s definitely the kind of thing that probably needs a whole lot more eyes on it than the gung-ho rats would be willing to give it

      • @Umbrias@beehaw.org
        010 months ago

        Synthetic biology as a field is in its infancy. It’s coming along fast and the possibilities are absurdly endless, but it’s hard to overstate how complex of a problem this really is.

        The idea that it’ll magically outcompete the rest of your extremely diverse, hyper complex, and largely beneficial mouth biome alone with just one treatment and no maintenance immediately shows it as a scam. We aren’t there yet.

        • @gerikson@awful.systems
          110 months ago

          There’s sneer in the pitchdeck about the FDA requiring 300 people healthy people with fully removable teeth isolated from others to trial this, as if it was the dumbest thing ever, instead of a reasonable precaution to introducing an unknown strain of bacteria into everyone’s mouths.