🚘 🧠 mentality
And when they get that driver he will of course be a completely normal guy just fighting the good fight against the repression from all those idiologically damaged cyclists…
I’m on your side and even I think this is a bit victim-y. I can confidently say nobody will be coming on the news to say this guy was just fighting the good fight against ideologically damaged cyclists.
That’s probably just a matter of perspective not being from the US.
You are probably used to other topics being the center piece of that stupid culture war always initiated by retarded conservatives, while I am used to every bike lane, single bike, tempo limit for cars or even electric car becoming the next big topic in a discussion about how evil idiologists are trying to destroy our culture, industry and wealth by banning our holy cars and private jets (or some similiar delusion…).
Different propaganda, different kinds of brain-washed morons to expect…
Of course it’s Huntington Beach, ugh.
Putting the hunt in Huntington.
Glad to see the most dangerous game has evolved from man to man on bicycle.
The Florida of California strikes again
Almost 20 years ago Clear Channel radio came under fire because a pair of their syndicated talk show hosts encouraged their listeners to go out and take a baseball bat to a bicyclist. I’m an avid cyclist and I’ve dealt with a fortunately small number of assholes that are susceptible to this kind of suggestion. One guy yelled “fuck Joe Biden”; another guy yelled “you’re gonna get somebody killed!” after another driver went slightly into the opposite lane to pass me.
I think it’s a tossup as to whether I’ll eventually be killed by one of these bike-hostile morons or by somebody looking at their phone while driving.