Admittedly, I don’t know much about Brexit, but from what I have been exposed to, it seems like a decisively economical and political impairment that made travel and business with the rest of Europe more difficult and costly. Since it is so highly criticized as a terrible move, why doesn’t the UK just rejoin the EU?

    1 year ago

    The ones who fucked our country don’t want to admit they were wrong.

    The party that’s been in charge of our country has been dismantling and selling everything worthwhile for over a decade, and the only viable alternative party seems to be running on “we don’t want to change anything major, but at least we’re not those guys” because they’re too scared to say anything after their last leader got torn apart constantly by the right-wing press.

    I’m honestly worried about what we’ve become and how everything is just getting worse here. Nobody seems to have any hope for the future anymore, there are no positive things to look forward to, just a constant spiral of rising costs and declining health and public services.

    • Leraje
      1 year ago

      The UK political cycle:

      1. Tories elected because they made people think Labour were bad with money
      2. Tories stay in power for a couple of decades
      3. Rich people get richer, public services get shitter, prices for everyone else get higher. They coast along on a tide of right-wing populism for awhile
      4. Eventually people catch on, Tories get voted out
      5. Labour need to spend a fortune getting things back on track. Might get two terms.
      6. Go to 1.
      1 year ago

      The sad truth is it will need to get much worse until conservatives will admit there is a problem and let progressives solve it.

      It has always been this way. You either live in a progressive, upwardly moving state with improving quality of life or you get stuck in a conservative, stagnant or downward trending place where people are more concerned with “others” than they are with doing anything productive as a society. As a species, we seem to slowly wobble back and forth between these extremes. It’s maddening.