First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday night, according to a statement. Jill Biden is experiencing mild symptoms and will stay at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., her commu…

    3410 months ago

    Public figures are so vulnerable to Covid, Bert Kreicher said he had it 5 times already. And especially people in national political life, everybody wants to meet you everywhere you go and you can’t refuse or wear a mask or anything or you get negative news coverage.

    • @bamboo
      3510 months ago

      What do you mean about that?

            1110 months ago

            That might be the case globally. Regardless, it was never addressed adequately in the US. Practically everyone I know is dealing with some consequence of long COVID and we’re totally behind on vaccination because the issue was so politicized. If you look at this, what’s still going on at the border (a fucking racist wall to keep a certain ethnicity out), human rights being challenged EVERYWHERE and his climate policy it’s clear Biden doesn’t care all that much about things a leftist president should, at the very least.

            • GodlessCommie
              2610 months ago

              As an actual leftist, I can say with a great deal of authority that Biden is NOT a leftist President. He’s very much capitalist, like Trump

            • HarkMahlberg
              10 months ago

              Regardless, it was never addressed adequately in the US.

              A problem created by Trump.

              (1) we’re totally behind on vaccination because (2) the issue was so politicized

              Both problems created by Trump.

              what’s still going on at the border

              A problem created by Trump and continued by Texas’s state government.

              human rights being challenged EVERYWHERE

              There are more conservatives EVERYWHERE than there are President Bidens ANYWHERE.

              and his climate policy

              Won’t disagree here, he could do a lot more here.

              A lot of your complaints are problems created by conservatives and criminals, that Biden hasn’t been able to fix. He’s not a progressive superhero and he was never going to be. He’s a janitor, and I don’t see any productivity in getting mad at the guy holding a mop. Yeah, I would have loved Bernie or Warren too, but with the double whammy of first past the post voting and billionaire conservative power-brokers, Biden was always going to be better than the alternative.

                10 months ago

                He’s not trump, yeah yeah. Still doesn’t change the fact he has done a shit job as “janitor” and wasn’t anybody’s first choice except those that convienently ignore his past comments and actions as a individual (smelling little girls, defending segregation, joking about running over reporters, just vile career politician stuff all the way through) But regardless, that shouldn’t be his whole sell though, and it is. I wish I was wrong, but you really can’t deny it’s a super weak one.

                • Flying Squid
                  310 months ago

                  smelling little girls

                  I never got this criticism. It’s weird, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s not sexually or physically abusive, it’s just an odd thing to do.

                1010 months ago

                Yeah dude’s a staunch conservative by any reasonable metric, regardless of what the democrats want everyone to think.

                • GodlessCommie
                  810 months ago

                  Most of his policies were too far right for even Reagan. But we are not supposed to talk about Biden’s history prior to 2019.

                  210 months ago

                  Lol sorry no. It’s a result of the Overton window shifting so far right in the US that now some people think anti-labor (e.g., response to train worker strike) is somehow leftist. If you have a more complete understanding of the political spectrum you know better.

            610 months ago

            did you even read the article you linked? kind garbage is “well ackshyually, it’s endemic so the pandemic is over!” that doesn’t mean that covid isn’t a real threat. That’s the stupidest fucking argument you could have possibly made. Know what else is endemic? AIDS. Hepatitis. Malaria. Tuberculosis. Fucking Polio. Changing status from pandemic to epidemic doesn’t magically make it affect less people. It’s really heartless tbh

                210 months ago

                the original poster is arguing about the administrations response to the pandemic being at best, poorly managed, choosing the stock market over human lives. The dipshit who said “well technically a pandemix isn’t an epidemic” charged in and tried to chagne the conversation to one of fucking etymology. That’s not the point at all. They’re not pissed because of etymology, they’re pissed because the administration could have done A LOT more but CHOSE not to, because stock market

            • Chetzemoka
              1010 months ago

              And we…have treatments and/or vaccines and public health campaigns for all of those endemic infections just like we will continue to do for Covid?

              I’m not sure why you think endemic is a judgement of risk. It’s not. It’s an epidemiological definition.

                310 months ago

                I’m not even remotely arguing about the semantics of epidemiology, I’m arguing that it’s heartless to argue pedantic shit like that when it’s clearly still affecting people and still needs to be taken seriously, which the original poster is pointing out, and correctly so, that it’s not. The administration pushed for business as usual, choosing the stock market over peoples’ health. And you’re over here injecting that "well technically the word pandemic comes from the greek word pan. NO, that’s not what’s being discussed here at all

                • Chetzemoka
                  810 months ago

                  Except no one pushed for business as usual? Quarantines and higher level pandemic interventions are not appropriate for an endemic infection. We should be vaccinating and masking when there’s an increase in Covid infections. But we should also be doing that for influenza and we don’t.

                  I’m not arguing semantics. Pandemic vs. endemic is a factual epidemiological definition. The problem is that we routinely choose not to deal with dangerous endemic infections like influenza. We should always have been doing more.

          • FfaerieOxide
            110 months ago

            “If we stop trying to control covid everyone will keep getting it forever” isn’t a prediction, it’s reckless behavior.

            210 months ago

            did you know they’re not starting a discussion of etymology, but about the actual administration’s response to the disease? Here’s Biden’s quote from that articles btw "but the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so, I think it’s changing.”

      1210 months ago

      Naw fam, they will just get medical treatment for the acute and long term consequences of the infection at a level that you can only dream of, a level that would bankrupt a normal person. But, hey, we’re all in this together. It’s time to move on. Have you considered getting a HELOC and buying something?

    • arthurpizza
      11410 months ago

      You’ve had 3 years to understand how the vaccine works. We’re you just not paying attention?

        • arthurpizza
          110 months ago

          And yet you still don’t know that vaccines don’t stop you from getting a virus. They only limit the damage they can do.

            110 months ago

            Normal vaccines are used to immunize people against a disease.

            Immunize means make (a person or animal) resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically by vaccination.

            The only “vaccine” that”limits the damage” is the covid vax. I got it twice and still ended up with covid. My brother had it to and his was just as mild and he wasnt vaxxed.

            The idea that it limits the damage is questionable at best.

            I’m all ears though, show me data and i’d consider your viewpoint but I just dont think it exists…

    210 months ago

    Can you really compare the two? Sometimes you can fly without a plane, you just die a couple of seconds after free fall . Also, why are vaccines seatbelts, isn’t the whole point to immunize? Or is that just for every other vaccine except this one?

    110 months ago

    Yeah maybe gene therapy, not a vaccine in my mind. I never got Polio and I was vaxxed so what gives? Is this the only vaccine that works like dogshit?