Mostly the title, but it would be nice to have more options now that Reddit and Twitter have alternatives. I would love to see a YouTube and ticktock version. Maybe even an instagram as well.

    11 year ago

    It’d be cool, but I think any youtube clone that doesn’t have a large dedicated takedown staff is going to have a hard time sticking around. That and the fact that the servers would overheat due to lack of airflow as the building they’re housed in is buried under a mountain of printed out and snail mailed DMCA violation notices make things problematic.

    Then there’s the order of magnitude increase in resources required to serve up the content.

    Add to that the fact that the reason most content creators are on youtube is for the monetization portion of their platform and it’s a tall order to replicate something on that level.

    That being said, an alternative of some kind for non-copyrighted content would be awesome.

      11 year ago

      I am intrigued by this but I wonder how it will work. Just the hosting cost of YouTube is orders off magnitude higher than Reddit/Twitter alternatives.

    11 year ago

    There are already pixelfed and peertube as fediverse alternatives to instagram and youtube if you want to check them out.