To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Arch Linux. The performance improvemnts are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the GNU + Linux kernal, most of the it will go over a typical wiki user’s head. There’s also journalctl ‘s objective outlook, which is deftly woven into systemd - its personal philosophy draws heavily from Linus Torvalds, for instance. The powerusers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the user space, to realize that they’re not just usefil- they say something deepin about Arch. As a consequence people who dislike Arch Linux truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the utility in crontab’ing sudo pacman -Syyu every 5 minutes. Which itself is a cryptic reference to Debian’s aptitude. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Aaron Griffin’s genius unfolds itself on their non-i3 screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have an Arch Linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they don’t have a full system upgrade to complete.
Ah, a copypasta in the wild. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one. Especially derivative ones.
Let’s be honest here, after going through that you end up wearing pastel striped knee socks and a choker.
Guess I’m switching to Arch then.
I have no idea when the default image of Linux nerd went from fat neckbeard to femboy but I guess that’s an improvement? 😂
I went through that and I am still waiting for my pastel stripped thigh highs and a choker qwq
omggggg, thank youuuuuuuu <3
If one were to despise Amazon, what are other good places to shop at? Most of my experience with clothes shopping has been walking into a store, pointing at a tshirt and buying it if it’s available in my size.
Torrid and possibly Hot Topic would be closest, I would assume. The only others I know of are local “mall goth” stores.
I’m using EndeavourOS, is that why those socks didn’t appear in my wardrobe yet?
Is it a tooth fairy kind of deal? What am I doing wrong?
I wear both. I use Gentoo
i have been using arch for over a year and im not wearing a choker or knee socks, its a scam
True. They are shipping, I’ll receive them on wednesday
The idea of turning random windows users into arch users is absurd, but one can dream I guess.
unless you are valve
Arch Wiki has saved my ass so many times.
Wrong, there’s not a single Arch user who isn’t transfem, so none will look like that (/j ofc)
I mean, the Arch users are all transfem meme exists for a reason, doesn’t it.
I’m currently well under way to collect all the infinity stones:
- neurodivergent
- Linux user
- fruitloop sexuality
- possibly new gender identity
What’s the fifth one? Should we make gender identity and gender expression two different ones? Or maybe specify neurodivergence with ADHD and Autism, which seem to be the common ones as far as I can tell?
Can you explain neurodivergence?
So, people being neurodiverse means that there can be differences in human brain function and cognition between different people.
A neurodivergent person is someone whose brain processes information differently, learns or behaves in ways that aren’t considered typical.
ADHD and the autistic spectrum for example would be a form of neurodivergence.
Thanks for the clear and concise explanation :)
I’m glad to help, thank you for asking.
Many people don’t understand enough about these things, which results in stereotypes that can be annoying at best, all the way to being actively harmful and discriminating.That’s the thing. I read something online, my friends tried to explain, and I didn’t really understand. After your explanation, I finally get it :)
fruitloop sexuality sounds like something Tumblr invented (/lh)
Who knows, I don’t remember where I got it from
I genuinely have no idea, it’s one of those things that just live in the back of my head
Extremely chad and ripped (like me of course 💪 )
Made with GIMP btw!