A random cat-loving, transgender catgirl on the fediverse :3

Github: Link to amycatgirl’s github profile

Revolt.chat: amycatgirl#9237

Mastodon: @amycatgirl@kutia.sernik.tech

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Hai

    revolt contributor here, might be biased so please take all of this with a grain of salt

    revolt is not a clone of discord, it only has a familiar interface because new users are used to it

    there is an ongoing UI redesign that you can try out on https://reholt.chat/app, feedback is really valuable right now, so it would be nice if you could point out issues with it

    also, small reminder that revolt is made by a relatively small team consisting of less than 10 members, all volunteers, so the lack of features is pretty understandable from my point of view

    if you don’t like it, it’s fine, there are other apps that are probably better than what revolt has to offer (like spacebar!)

    kinda sad that there is little to no competition to discord :c

  • As a web developer, I agree

    But ensuring full compatibility with all three major engines (those being gecko, blink and webkit) is unnecessarily hard, as they have their own subset of features

    For example: Webkit does not support extending built-in HTML elements using WebComponent, but Gecko and Blink do support this feature. Or Chrome being the only browser that fully supports the View Transitions API. Or webkit’s CSS vendor prefixes

    The list goes on and on.

    You could fix most of these issues by providing polyfills, but that increases the amount of files that you have to load in order to make a feature work on other browsers.

    If only there was some sort of standard… Oh wait, there is one, W3C. Idk what they are doing tho.

  • It’s not that they don’t work better in conjunction, it’s canonical’s lack of moderation in the snapcraft store.

    This could’ve avoided day one by adding a manual review process (like what they are temporarily doing right now)

    I don’t know how flathub handles new package submissions, but I think that they definitely need to have a process similar to what other distros have in place for native packages (heck, even Ubuntu’s own repos have a review process)