What’s the title of that Chuck Tingle book? I need it for… reasons
I completely glossed over that. That’s hilarious.
Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus
Here’s the goodreads page for it. It looks like it’ll either be extremely good or just fail horribly. I’m definitely going try to read it now.
Fuck I might really need to read this TY
Chuck Tingle is legendary. The best way I can describe his books are “Horrifically intriguing parody smut.”
Threaten me with a good time.
An interesting read is the Malleus Maleficarum. It’s basically the church hand book for dealing with witches.
The first think that it lays out is that there most certainly are witches, witchcraft is real, and the church has to deal with witches.
Which is so fucking cool! It gives every young girl hope that they too can become a witch.
And maybe even take down the patriarchal religious structure someday!
Witchcraft is imaginary, so reading leads to imagination. Sounds good to me.
Witchcraft is a middle-ages notion for prohibited magics, real or imaginary. In the middle east, the term was sorcery and in the 14th and 15th centuries, many algebraists and astronomers were persecuted as sorcerers for their esoteric work.
We’ve seen it again in modern times such as during the Satanic panic, in which rock bands, tabletop roleplayers and preschool teachers were accused of engaging in Satanic rites and prosecuted.
Even todays accusations of trans folk and drag queens of grooming children fits the patten. Is biological evolution witchcraft? Florida thinks so much the way Antifa is a cabal of terrorists.
Any field of knowledge that runs against the establishment religious ministries and terrifies reactionaries counts as witchcraft whether it is grounded in superstition or peer-reviewed scientific theory.