Spotify has updated the desktop app with plenty of visual improvements and new features, like a “now playing” view that gives you immediate access to merchandise and tour dates.

    181 year ago

    I despise the new library view, I cannot just double click my playlist folder to start playing anymore, I have to right click and go down to the play option now… Also feels very massive like it wasnt made for a mouse pointer. If it were up to me i’d revert to the old one in a heartbeat.

    • TheWaterGod
      71 year ago

      It’s almost impressive how badly they screwed up the library. Absolutely hate it. It’s just a massive chore to use versus how it was.

      21 year ago

      I just thought about leaving Spotify due to this new feature. I don’t like the library at all. Everything just feels super messy. At least you can enable a compact library layout.

      11 year ago

      Huh? I had the redesign for a few weeks already and I can still double click playlists in my library. Only annoying issue I’m having is a wide unnecessary black bar when using spotify in full screen on MacOS.

    91 year ago

    So tired of Spotify changing shit up constantly. I would’ve switched to Apple Music a long time ago if they’d just implement Chromecast support on their damn iOS app (doubt it will ever happen). Everyone on my family plan is too invested in Chromecasts/Google Speakers to swap over to AppleTVs/HomeHubs

    • Thalyssa
      41 year ago

      Spotify is peak change for the sake of change. They like tinkering with the UI for no discernible reason.

      • niktemadur
        31 year ago

        Fidgety corporate ADHD. Constantly breaking things that used to work and now they don’t, all across the extended ecosystem (such as Alexa). Some assholes trying to justify their salary as the clueless and mesmerized suits go along with it, this is “metrics” anti-culture they’ve created. High-fiving themselves and giving themselves bonuses, for making things palpably enshittified.

        It also sounds kinda like Lucas with the Original Trilogy.

    • hightrix
      21 year ago

      Yep! I left a while ago and moved to Tidal. I’ve been relatively happy with it so far.

  • Bistro
    51 year ago

    Seeing this makes me realize how little I actually use Spotify. Not to say the Desktop redesign looks bad but my only usage of Spotify is through their mobile app on Android. Since I never used the Desktop app before the redesign I can’t say if its bad or not. Most, if not all, of my music listening is through either SoundCloud or Youtube.

  • CmdrMoto
    51 year ago

    Yay! Another enshittified product to replace with a federated one! @funkwhale here I come …

  • holgersson
    41 year ago

    Dont forget that Spotify abuses its market position by basically milking smaller artists dry.

    Does anybody know of a good alternative that doesnt involve either storing hundreds of albums on CD or piracy?

      • Pilirin
        11 year ago

        i have made a point of paying for music that i DJ with for over a decade. bandcamp as a website has been a huge part of that. it’s bloody amazing.

    • @kukkurovaca
      81 year ago

      Qobuz and Tidal are less evil than Spotify and support higher quality audio, but also have smaller selections. Where practical I’ll buy albums I like on FLAC from Bandcamp or HDtracks but it is also nice to have a streaming service for discovering new stuff.

    • M. Orange
      11 year ago

      7digital is a pretty good DRM-free digital music store, and they even have lossless music. They don’t have everything, but their catalog is pretty huge.

      Admittedly you would have to be pretty rich to buy all the music you want to listen to, but if you have an Android phone, I’m pretty sure there are apps you can use to stream from YouTube Music or Spotify without a subscription.

      Personally, I’m poor and lazy, so I just stick with Apple Music. Anything they don’t have, I just upload to my library.

    • aaronbieber
      11 year ago

      If you’re up to the challenge, you can run a “Subsonic” server at home for streaming your own music, including all of your hi-fi downloads from Bandcamp.

      I’ve been very pleased with Navidrome, which is a server that implements the Subsonic API (so you can use any Subsonic desktop or mobile client). I basically have my own private Spotify that I can stream to my phone, and it’s got all the weird music I’ve accumulated over the years.

    31 year ago

    Great to see some improvements. Hopefully it doesn’t overly clutter the UI. On a side note, has anyone found the new AI DJ useful? Mine keeps playing k-pop even though I rarely if ever listen to k-pop. I’ve found myself just going back to daily mix 1.

    • JWBananas
      21 year ago

      I have found no substantial difference between the DJ and the Daily Mix playlists. They both just play way too much of the exact same songs that Spotify has pushed at me for years.

    • Joe
      11 year ago

      I’m loving the DJ! It does go off the rails a bit if you leave it on too long

      I listen to a lot of different genres but I’m bad at sorting them so they’re all just in a massiv playlist. The DJ plays them in little batches of similar genres which flows a lot better than the random shuffle

  • Timber
    31 year ago

    Sounds like a good time to switch to resonate. There’s (sadly) not that many artists there yet, but the pricing model is really cool (and doesn’t exploit tne artists as much). And I guess the only way a platform like this will get more artists, is if it gets more listeners :)

  • poo
    31 year ago

    For anyone not grttitthr update, apparently my installation was fucked and merely switching to the Windows Store version untucked it.
    Now I have the new UI!

    … And it’s awful lol

  • Thalyssa
    31 year ago

    My desktop client is busted as it’s stuck in the previous iteration of the UI.

    I really despise their constant UI updates.

    Anyone from r/truespotify here? Lol.

  • raccoona_nongrata
    31 year ago

    Yeah, they tried to autoupdate me so I found an older version to install and disabled updates to that app through Windows lol.

    I’m not a fan of the bubble aesthetic and cluttered appearance. Too many elements fighting for your attention when you open it.

    Spotify has been shaving off utility and features for a while now, once I’m forced to actually change over from my old version I’ll be going to look for an alternative.

  • Gil (he/they)
    21 year ago

    I have a lot of mixed feelings about Spotify’s UI choices, but I guess this is what Spicetify is for. 😅

    1 year ago

    Such an improvement in my opinion. 90% of the time I am browsing my playlists. Now, instead of getting 20% of the screen space, they get a generous 70% almost! This small change makes me want to use Spotify desktop again.

    I have no idea how they came to this decision, or whether I’m in the majority, but it makes me wonder: did they finally start to use the app usage analytics to improve their UX? Like looking at the most used functions in their app.

    11 year ago

    I’ll add to the minority that likes those changes. I don’t use the desktop version that often and was pleasantly surprised :D I like having the library on the side. Especially that I do have quite a wide screen.