• polyploy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 years ago

    Begging people to understand the severity of the threat Trump and his followers pose is a “loser defeatist attitude”? If you genuinely think that anyone still supporting him is going to come out of watching this man on TV thinking less of him, or seeing it as a serious matter instead of some kind of political assassination of their dear leader, then you’ve not been paying attention for years.

    How many times have liberals been convinced “surely, this will be the end of him!” only for it to galvanize his base and further cement him as their figurehead? Stop thinking that his base has an even remotely similar worldview to yourself, you could show them all the evidence in the world of his wrongdoing and they will still find a way to pretend it’s not true. This is what I am trying to get people to understand, if you think fascists play by the rules you are sorely mistaken.

    • qprimed@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      but this isnt about his base. I have written them off long ago. this is about the rest of the country. galvanizing them into understanding the seriousness of what this two-bit used car salesman huskster tried (and continues trying) to do to this country is the point.

      republicans can not win power with their base alone. this was never about them.

      • polyploy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 years ago

        As I replied to another person above, if you think my message was about votes and elections then you’ve misunderstood. This is quite literally a trial about an attempted overthrow of an election, their disdain for democracy is clear as day. The extent of that disdain, and what his base might be willing to do to get him in power regardless is exactly what I am trying to get people not to underestimate. Also, it might be a sobering thought to consider how many cops and soldiers are part of his base.

        edit: a couple words I missed

        • jtk@lemmy.sdf.org
          2 years ago

          Also, it might be a sobering thought to consider how many cops and soldiers are part of his base.

          So… bend the knee? These traitors are losing legal battles daily, and it’s all over the news. Let’s keep it rolling.

    • jtk@lemmy.sdf.org
      2 years ago

      Stop thinking that his base has an even remotely similar worldview to yourself

      Every single person here is fully aware of that. You’re proposing that we, what? Just don’t do anything? And anything that is done on a legal level be hidden from public view?

    • btaf45@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Begging people to understand the severity of the threat Trump and his followers pose is a “loser defeatist attitude”?

      Begging that Trump’s criminal trial is not shown on TV so that people will never understand the critical severity of his crimes, just because you’ve been duped into mindless panic is a loser defeatist attitude. You are letting Trump neofascists bully you into favoring a less strict accountability. A handful of Trump’s followers committing suicide by cop do not pose a threat to the most powerful country in the world and by the end of the trial most people will understand that Treason Trump and other top neofascists are going to jail. Did Al Capone still have many followers after he went to jail? Nope.

      • polyploy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 years ago

        His supporters are the cops. His followers are already in office, in courts, in law enforcement, and in the military at every level of each. They are already actively hurting people, indoctrinating children, destroying the environment, criminalizing minorities, brutalizing and killing dissidents, and both passing and enforcing laws to aid them in doing all of the aforementioned.

        This is not a mindless panic. Women are having their rights repealed, queer folks are facing increasing violence and threats of imprisonment, and just about every visible minority is facing higher incidence of hate crimes and discrimination. The majority of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and people can’t afford average rent on average income (let alone minimum wage) in any city in the country. People are fucking starving and dying on the street, and the number one cause of bankruptcy is medical debt which is something that shouldn’t even exist.

        The refusal to reconcile reality with this fantasy of a powerful and healthy country is part of what has enabled fascists to ascend once more, and what keeps burying the bar for democrats further underground.

        Every time Trump gets put on TV because people like yourself are convinced that this time will finally be his undoing, his base and support grows. The amount of free publicity this fuck has gotten from people that are ostensibly his opponents is staggering. If you keep assuming that laws, ethics, morals, and rules are going to be followed by fascists, you’re in for a rude awakening.

        edit: a couple words

        • btaf45@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          Okay Ivan. You keep on cowering in fear in the basement while level headed proud Americans do the critical necessary work of protecting our 240 years of democracy, defeating the neofascists, and moving forward with progress.

          • polyploy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            2 years ago

            Ah yes, the critical necessary work of waiting to vote every four years, sitting on your ass hoping fascism will sort itself out, and expecting the institutions you take for granted to protect you. Extremely brave and level headed, not cowardly or delusional in the least. /s

            The weird insinuation that I am in any way related to or supportive of Russia is a nice touch, because nothing says “moving forward with progress” like demonizing an entire population, almost all of whom have as little control over their government as you do yours. I’m sure those neofascists are shaking in their boots.

            • btaf45@lemmy.world
              2 years ago

              Ah yes, the critical necessary work of waiting to vote every four years

              The critical necessary work of putting Treason Trump and the neofascists on trial and televising it so the whole country can see.

              sitting on your ass hoping fascism will sort itself out,

              You’re the one calling for inaction and fear because the bullies might get upset.

              I’m sure those neofascists are shaking in their boots.

              This neofascist sure looks like he’s been owned by the libs
