from the look-at-the-big,-tough-guy-doing-big,-tough-guy-things dept
Jokes on him. A lot of corporations will gladly tell Orange Julius whatever he wants to hear, true or not, as long as there’s a financial incentive to do so.
Yea, I seriously tried to think of one merger, big enough to be noticed, and not willing to even break laws to show their appreciation.
I fukcing hate these people so goddamn much… They’ve taken something meant to protect against discrimination and sold it as being discrimination…
If course it is… It’s always the poor poor white people that have the boot on their necks right? The poor poor oppressed white people… JFC
It’s always the poor poor
whiterich people that have the boot on their necks right? The poor poor oppressedwhiterich people… JFCThere, Fixed it
Aww, you made me think of Slashdot!