you should consider seeing the doctor about that - I started getting heartburn from eating such things when I got older and when I became morbidly obese; after losing a lot of the weight I seem to have less of a problem with the heartburn …
I would get it with anything high enough in fats or sugars, as well as spicy foods, alcohol, or caffeine - sorta didn’t matter if it was processed or not (though admittedly processed foods might be more likely to be high in fats and sugars).
they give me heartburn anyway.
you should consider seeing the doctor about that - I started getting heartburn from eating such things when I got older and when I became morbidly obese; after losing a lot of the weight I seem to have less of a problem with the heartburn …
I don’t have heartburn with healthy foods at all. It’s why I don’t eat pop tarts and other processed crap.
I would get it with anything high enough in fats or sugars, as well as spicy foods, alcohol, or caffeine - sorta didn’t matter if it was processed or not (though admittedly processed foods might be more likely to be high in fats and sugars).
I just changed my diet to a healthier one like 15 years ago and haven’t had problems since.
that’s awesome! ❤️