Or even just order through the restaurant’s website or over the phone instead of using a middleman. Especially smaller places sometimes have better offers if you do it that way.
Or if you can get take out, or check and see if the restaraujt itself has delivery. Idk about elsewhere, but in the states shit like uber eats and DoorDash tend to screw over the restraint too.
The mark-up is nuts too! Not only are you paying service fees etc., the cost of the items on the menu is also higher when you order through these kind of apps vs. the vendors own website or in-store.
Or go pickup the food yourself. Those companies tend to be toxic, wherever they are from
Or even just order through the restaurant’s website or over the phone instead of using a middleman. Especially smaller places sometimes have better offers if you do it that way.
Or home cook.
I agree it’s so much nicer to go out and eat at restaurants.
Or if you can get take out, or check and see if the restaraujt itself has delivery. Idk about elsewhere, but in the states shit like uber eats and DoorDash tend to screw over the restraint too.
The mark-up is nuts too! Not only are you paying service fees etc., the cost of the items on the menu is also higher when you order through these kind of apps vs. the vendors own website or in-store.