Description: Two persons standing next to each other. The one colored pink is labeled as “Transfems”, the one in blue is labeled “Transmascs”. The two of them are high-fiving under the label “Oh my God! Don’t use duct tape for that.”
I could not find the original source. Sorry. ☹️
Umm, thanks for that, now it makes some more sense. I was using wound pads for an infected wound for about a month and it took about a year for the mark of the adhesive to go away, hmmm (I think though such pads shouldnt cause it, especially when they call themselves hypoallergic, but whatever). Also when I bathed I was using duct tape with food membrane to somewhat seal the area and I think this too would leave a similar temprory mark.
I learned from a family member who underwent multiple back to back surgeries that there is a medical equivalent of goo-gone (adhesive removal liquid), which is great for this sort of thing