Russia is losing… Badly
Their only hope is for Ukraine to just give up
This is trumps job now
good news for ukraine, trump is on russias side.
They throw their young generations into the meat grinder just to control resources. Putin couldn’t find a way to pivot to new domestic products so now people get to die.
Fight war, not wars.
does ukraine actually have resources? russia is gigantic what could they possibly need so badly
Ukraine has lots of valuable natural resources, but Russia has much more of everything. The biggest reason for the invasion is most likely that Putin could not let a “brother nation” prosper and drift towards Europe and being a functioning democracy.
Russia’s population might get wild ideas if they saw that their Ukrainian cousins’ standard of living starts to rise rapidly while they have to endure living under a fascist dictator. And substandard and underdeveloped infrastructure, due to the rampant corruption and a government who doesn’t give a shit about the areas outside the larger cities.
They have some rare earth minearals and a lot of farmland.
anything fancy that russia doesn’t have ?
Not particularly, the problem is that Russia is stupid and would rather try to annex Ukraine rather than invest time and resources into the development of Siberia. Also they don’t want to actually improve things just make them worse.
That’s kind of what happens when your government and economy functions off of corruption.
Well its either that or collapse, problem with Russia though is that the various ethnic and political groups that could’ve collapsed it easily were more or less wiped out during the holodomor. Specifically the ones in Siberia and the far east.
What happened in Siberia and the far east? Which groups were killed?
I thought it was about access to that gasline without Ukraine intervention, but then they blew it up or something, soooo…nothing? Baby boy Putin has been anti-Ukraine for a decade at least. Seems to be about being anti-NATO and for “political power”, but I doubt Putin will gain any if they end up winning against Ukraine.
Russian has been losing and the economy is collapsing since 2018 according to these news. Every other week I see something like this. Yet we dont see them retreating.
900k is more than 50% of there forces according to wikipedia that list 1.5 millions.
I highly doubt the accuracy of these news reports.
It is collapsing. Some people have interpreted the news as the economy being at the brink of an immediate collapse, but articles I have read have talked consistently of end of 2025/early 2026.
The difference is, in 2022 and 2023 it was assumed that once it becomes clear that the Russia’s economy collapsing will be inevitable unless they immediately end the war, they would indeed end it. Now it’s clear that they will indeed go to the very end, allowing their economy to collapse and then the war ending as a consequence of that.
So, yes, it was predicted that the economy will collapse by 2026, and the war would end in 2022 or 2023 to avoid that. But, the timetable of the actual collapse has not changed. Or, at least not the timetables I’ve been seeing.
Their losses are clearly significant enough to bring a foreign army (North Koreans) to replenish their forces. Maybe not 50% but I don’t think it’s that far off.
I have not heard of another batch of NK soldiers after the initial 12000. There are talks about them possibly sending another 12000.
With the Russia losing 1300 soldiers per day as dead and wounded, the NK troops cover 10(+ maybe another 10?) days worth soldiers.
The Russian army is shrinking by about 15 000 soldiers per month. That was canceled out by NK troops for one month once, and possibly another one soon.
I travel a lot, both for work and leisure, and wherever there’s no travel restrictions for Russians, like Thailand, UAE, or Egypt, it’s simply overrun with Russian tourists. And they’re rich, too, with the latest iPhones, Apple Watches and all the other fashion brands.
As much as I’d like to see l say that Russia is feeling the impact of this war, empirically, I can’t say that it seems that way.
The richest people don’t care about the war, if groceries go up 25% that barely makes a dent. You won’t see the people who are actually suffering from this being tourists.
Yes, of course, and I agree; I was only remarking that there’s a demographic that doesn’t appear to be affected by this at all.
Classism is present in Russia too.
I watched a couple of YouTube videos from a normal guy who lives in Russia talking about what it was actually like to live in Russia around the time that Tucker Carlson did that weird state visit and he peeled back a layer of intentional propaganda that the American journalist was spreading - that Russians are living in some kind of luxury paradise. Sure, everything costs less over there, but people are also paid a lot less too. If you’re working class, it’s hard to afford enough food to put on the table sometimes. The rich, however, are not hurting for anything and a lot of big brand labels that said they would exit Russia just rebranded themselves or quietly re-entered the market after all the commotion about the war died down.
I didn’t mean to suggest that it isn’t affecting the ordinary, working class Russian. My observation is that there don’t appear to be any less affluent Russian tourists.
Let them keep dying, it’s pretty obvious Russias weak if it wasn’t for the Nukes the rest of Europe would just pull an Iraq on them. I feel Russias real threat is probably China though they have a lot of land and it’s ripe for the taking.
Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Let’s just remember Putin does have a sense of humor. Sending families of dead soldiers lost in what the world is calling a meat grinder literal meat grinders as presents is extremely funny in a way it absolutely shouldn’t be.
The fucking Muscovites can continue to fertilize the earth. The loss of troops and material means nothing to the Russians. The asswipes will continue to use mass assaults until the soldiers or the public revolts. Until then, Fuck Russia and US Reichwingers.
They’re using money in lieu of skill. Eventually they’ll run out if it.
Then no more high salary for the Russian soldier – and consequently, no more soldiers.
ah yes, my favourite fertilizer, the heavy metal, carcinogenic, neurotoxic, lead bullet
This is the reality of war. Millions of people die fighting over invisible lines on the map
This isn’t a war of lines on the map, really. The Russia’s goal is the end of Ukrainians as a nation. And breaking NATO’s article 5.
The Russia’s goal is the end of Ukrainians as a nation. And breaking NATO’s article 5.
I don’t recall this being putin goal. Nations are invisible lines on earth
Countries are invisible lines on Earth. Nations are not.
Nations are groups of people that sometimes fill some lines, often leave some parts among the lines unfilled, sometimes cross them.
And nations can exist without any lines on Earth at all. If Ukraine was to somehow get completely occupied by the Russia, Ukrainians as a nation would continue existing. Until the Russia manages to actively purge them.
The Russia’s official news agency that will not publish anything that Putin disagrees with, has written the clearest explanation about the genocidal goal. The important part is that in one part it said that all nazis in Ukraine must be exterminated, and in another part it defines Ukrainian nazis as “everybody who supports the regime of Kyiv”. And then there’s Putin’s speech on February 21st, 2022, which was supposed to take place just hours before the missiles start flying, although the attack then had to be postponed by two days. And then there are the three articles published by RIA Novosti precisely at 08:00 Moscow time on February 26th, 2022. And Putin’s speech from summer 2021.
I wish I could find the version of the “What Russia should do with Ukraine” article’s text that is annotated in English language. I spent some hours looking for it a few days ago, to no avail. It’s somewhere out there in the Internet – I can remember having read it.
I dont feel bad about it
The world allowing the few to massacre the many for their personal gain has to be what we reject in the 21st century. We need to start arresting and trying every war monger for the murders they are.
PSA: Losses include dead AND wounded.
And they all died because one psychopathic old fart simply just wanted to take over majority of or the entire country of another for personal gain.
Yeah, but let’s keep hating every russian, because they ‘freely choose to enlist’ and invade other countries. They love being shelled by Nato artillery 🥰
They didn’t freely choose to enlist but if you put a gun in my hand and tell me kill that innocent person I will rather shoot the person giving me the order
I think both of you are oversimplifying.
Choice and freedom take on an entirely different meaning when you have a state media bombarding you with anti-Ukraine propaganda 24/7. It’s easy for us to say from the sidelines that we’d never get swept up in a war against innocents, but probably a lot of the soldiers have been fully indoctrinated with the idea that Ukraine are a threat to their families. Not to mention they probably now have friends and family who have been killed or wounded in this war.
Putin is the real villain here. He not only started the war, he’s the one who has kept it going by his refusal to withdraw troops, silenced political opposition, lied to his population, influenced global politics in his favour by buying elections, and used his subjects as fodder in this pointless war.
It’s fucking twisted the amount of suffering one thoroughly evil man can cause.
Well, now you are oversimplifying world politics to one man’s deeds. As if Nato expansionism did not play any role in the creation of this conflict. Read a little history before 2023 and you’ll see acquiring Ukraine is been a race between Nato and Russia since at least 2014.
Russia had already invaded in 2014, and successfully got a puppet as president in 2010.
NATO doesn’t expand by conquest, countries choose freely to join and other countries (especially hostile ones) don’t get to dictate the alliances of their neighbours.
Yeah, Nato is such a saint entity who ‘freely’ bombs Yugoslavia and Libya.
Nato’s whole purpose is to deter Russia and will not stop until whole east Europe is pointing missiles at it. Do you believe that’s a ‘random freely admittance’ policy?
Yes the whole point of a DEFENSIVE alliance is to defend against a known aggressor, thank you for clarifying
Easier to say than to do. But for the ‘innocent victim’ case you should look instead at Israel. That’s where the innocents are killed by en mass by direct order.
What if I told you they’re not an innocent person, they’re a Nazi?
And if you refuse to fight Nazis, maybe it’s because you’re a Nazi yourself, hmm? Maybe we’ll investigate you for that, and keep you in prison while we do. And of course we’ll be investigating your friends and family to see if there are any Nazis there too.
That’s the condensed version, but you get the picture. There’s a lot more going on than just “here’s a gun, kill them”.
Exactly. But it’s just easier to plain hate than to understand.
They were probably told Ukrain had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and so it’s their DUTY as defenders of freedom to invade and stop these terrorists! … oh, wait
Be conscripted and die, or fight conscription and die.
Cowards to the last man.
Russian soldiers are mostly not conscripted, but enlist because the salary of a factory worker in a rural town is around 70 € per month, whereas the salary of a soldier is about 2000 € per day, which means a monthly salary each day, including weekends.
They go killing because they are okay to kill others in order to get a richer life for their family. And that’s not an okay reason. They have chosen their fate and deserve death.
Lost, huh?
Does that mean casualties? As in, not necessarily deaths?
Russia has lost 1,330 soldiers killed and wounded over the past day alone
I would assume the answer is ‘yes.’
Fuck I hate the propaganda reporting on both sides.
Including wounded is the official definition of lost, always been. No need to call propaganda, it simply how is defined.
“Russia suffered x casualties in y time.”
Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.
That’s how propaganda works and it shouldn’t have to be spelled out for you.
Lost means “not able to fight”. If they lose a leg, they might be alive, but not very useful in the battlefield. Therefore the soldier, not the human, is lost.
Most of it it’s because in military setting, those two are equivalent, sine the only thing they care is about how many abled bodies they have available for the meat grinder.
Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.
What I meant is:
Propaganda is writing 0.99 with the intention of tricking people into buying. Note here to purpose of writing 99 is used.
Casualties was born from the necessity of generals to know how many troops are available. There is no psychological trick in there. Just because civilians misinterpret it does not mean there is a propagandistic goal hidden somewhere.
See the difference?
A bit over one third of these losses are deaths.
Typically in wars it’s about one sixth, and that is also approximately Ukraine’s ratio as well. For the Russia the number is very different because they don’t care for their wounded – many of the wounded are converted to dead through inexistence of medical care.
So, 900 000 Russian losses equals a bit over 300 000 dead orcs/roaches/whateveryoucallthem.
The thing is, for the war it doesn’t really have much meaning whether the loss is through death or a serious wound. It’s one soldier less all the same.
The thing is, for the war it doesn’t really have much meaning whether the loss is through death or a serious wound.
Not true. A soldier that’s killed isn’t going back home to his family. He’ll never have kids. He’ll never contribute to the economy ever again.
Trying to say kills don’t matter in a war is retarded.
I largely agree with you on that.
But, that depends on who is using the numbers. For immediate military use it is not important what happens after the war. For the general who is planning a war strategy, what matters is how much the army is losing manpower. For the society it does matter whether the lost manpower is dead or just missing one arm, but for the war strategy it doesn’t.
Albeit, I do somewhat disagree with this myself. I keep arguing that although the total military losses of Ukraine are close to those of the Russia, it makes a huge difference that the number of dead soldiers is smaller even in proportion to Ukraine’s population than the number of dead Russian soldiers is in proportion to the Russia’s population. It also seems that Ukraine’s recruitment capacity (in absolute numbers) is at least on par with that of the Russia and it’s unclear if its maximum capacity has even been reached.
Ukrainian soldiers seem to always receive decent prosthetics that enable them to remain in working life and be with their families. In that case it is not a huge loss for the society that a soldier has got seriously wounded. If the risk of death was as high as that of Russians’, there would be (even) less motivation to enlist.
But, be it like this or that, the reality is that the common practice in wars is to assume it makes no difference whether the lost soldier is dead or crippled, and because of that, they typically count military losses, not military deaths. Regardless of how retarded that is.
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This number might count soldiers several times. If a soldier gets injured and becomes a casualty, they can heal up and then serve again. So the same soldier could be injured and recover three times and then be killed. That would make hm a causally four times.
The Oryx numbers at least are not underestimated – each single number has a photo to prove it. And the numbers published by ZSU always rise and descend hand-in-hand with those of Oryx – there seems to be a more or less fixed coefficient that you can convert the numbers back and forth.
Also, because the ZSU data is published before that of Oryx, it must be based on actual data. Then, the question is: what is the coefficient between reality and these numbers we keep seeing in these brown images. We have got a couple of leaks from the Russia, and they have been almost precisely the same as the data published by ZSU. Therefore, the coefficient is apparently 1.
I find it very surprising that the ZSU numbers are not inflated, but when trying to find evidence on how much they are inflated, I’ve only found evidence of them actually being as precisely correct as possible.
dont worry…trump will create peace on earth and no more wars and junk.