Ready Player One
They didn’t even understand the source material.
Like, when he pulls the holy hand grenade… There are VERY SPECIFIC instructions on how to use that thing. Doesn’t follow them.
Just superficial references with no comprehension of the source
I mean, the source material was kinda trash to start with.
People beefing with Holy Grail now? Fuck I’m a relic.
No, I was talking about Ready Player One the book.
I would never disrespect the Grail.
One… two… FIVE!
Three, sir.
Deadpool vs Wolverine. If fan service was a movie.
thats what it was billed as and its what deadpool is, not sure why some people use that as a negative for the film
Agreed, didn’t make it through the opening scene before I went “Yup this wasn’t made for me click”
I watched it high as fuck and I was so confused. I assumed I was just way too high so I watched it sober and nope it’s just a jumbled mess.
This film was referencing it’s own world too much it felt like sitting with a self-absorbed prick for a more than a couple of beers!
No, it’s about Wolverine and Deadpool stabbing each other in the dicks.
Smh people these days can’t interpret anything.
Backdoor sluts 9. One through 8 are social commentary, but 9, 9 is this.
Backdoor Sluts 9 makes Backdoor Sluts 8 look like Backdoor Sluts 7
Oh good, its the same tired joke again.
Ghostbusters afterlife and frozen empire, every star trek show since enterprise, every star wars since return of the Jedi.
All the Jurrasic World movies too.
Yep I forgot them good call out
Wonder Woman. Every trite moral lesson from all 7 seasons of Star Trek: TNG crammed into one movie.
Fellowship of the Ring
To clarify. I love the movie, but I also can’t escape the fact that like 90% of it became memed like crazy.
Watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and it was like 50% meme scenes.
Revenge of the Sith
Seems like pretty much any marvel slop past the first few decent movies is just 90 minutes of “OMFG REFERENCE?! KIND SIR I WISH I COULD UPDOOT THIS MOVIE TWICE!!!” lol