So this is today’s creation. I kind of just wanted to try out wet moulding and my knife was a kind of simple enough flat shape to try it. It actually didn’t go too badly, sure I could have done with better (and gentler) clips and a thicker, or at least less stretchy, leather but I think it worked.
The other thing that was new to me here is that I just freehanded the whole thing. I took some rough pencil marks and some rough measurements to start with but, having no idea how wide the front panel needed to be I just kind of glued it, cut it, stitched it, cut it some more, sanded and burnished it, all just freehand because I couldnt really get a ruler in there to cut against.
So yeah, rough as hell, misshapen in places and covered in marks and little mistakes but I kind of love it for that.
Do you just wet the top sheet? I might have to try my hand at that…
Pretty much, yeah. Soak the top one and stretch, smoosh and massage it to the object with a bone folder (I didn’t have a bone folder yet so I just used some relatively not-too-sharp items I had laying around) then clamp it in place so it can’t change shape and when it dries it will hold that shape. I kind of but didn’t precisely follow this -
AvE blade in the wild? Nice.
… Nice sheath too :)
Thanks! Its the little 18mm one ❤
I’m no leather worker but I’m reasonably picky, and I can’t tell what’s rough about it.
Thanks :), its probably a bit hard to see but its really just some mildly wobbly edges and its slightly asymmetrical where one stitch line is a bit “tighter” than the other in both how close it fits and how close I cut to the line.
Eh the stitching looks pretty, overall good job!