Bonus bears, beets, Babylon 5:
DS9 s7e12 “The Emperor’s New Cloak”
Maybe it’s the lighting on the bonus/Jim frame, but I have to keep telling myself, “Jurassic Quark isn’t real. Jurassic Quark can’t hurt me.”
I’m totally unappreciated in my time
Not totally - we appreciate you!
Everbody loves Mornedry! Just wish he’d shut up about not saying the magic word!
Uh oh, you have offended Morn - now prepare for the inevitable blubbering!
You know how when most people reply ‘lol’ they didn’t actually laugh out loud? This thread made me lol for real when I’m sick and feeling icky so thanks to everyone for posting 🫶
Holy crap, the memory of this game has eluded me for 30 years!
I’m pretty sure that game is why I have anxiety as an adult.
That, and this:
Oh, that’s better. Definitely the lighting.
Much better, Aziz, thank you.
The one day I mouthbreathe!
It’s allergies!
Is this proof?
Mmm… plant splooge.
Where did this clip come from? Since when did he have the white stripes on his costume?
Spider-Man 2 from last year. The studio came out with a series of meme gifs along the lines of God of War.
I completely forgot about the PlayStation games. The gif you posted is crisp enough it looked like it came from one of the Tom Hardy movies! The spider-cat looks much more game-y.
It’s March 19th and I was in line to buy Zyrtec!
How dare!
You just need some Beetle Snuff!
I would absolutely huff a beetle if it meant I could smell the buttercups without my face swelling up and my eyes pouring!