Let’s see the Cunt in Chief find excuses for that, probably the Ukrainians did it first
Literally thats the excuse. They’re already saying the Ukrainians broke it first.
“False flag!!!111”
They’ll probably hire Alex Jones, false flag lies is his specialty
But did he say thank you?
Ill be real, it being less than an hour, I am assuming this was either a miscommunication or something that was already planned and there wasn’t enough time to tell all the troops about the deal yet.
Still quite noncredible though.
That theory would fit with the top-down, punishment-for showing-initiative, no-NCO, no-trust, bloody fuckups that have made the Russian military famous.
Honestly, this is probably ole Prigozhin getting a last laugh in. Again.
I just can’t let him go, he was like the cashcow of NCD. NCD without him just isnt the same.
I know. The sparkle has gone out of the champagne. The fish sticks aren’t crunchy. Prigoz, you were a falling star, such an easy target.
We had a curtain rythem to this stuff! He causes trouble, we make memes. He yells and we feel good. And the game would start all over again! Russian war crimes are just not the same without him. War crime has no punchline anymore
Or maybe strike was supposed to happen just before deal came into effect but someone was late, or they fucked up timezones
No good faith there either way
Being an apologist for Russia is certainly a look.
Nah, righthandofikaros is many noncredible things, but not that. Long time shitizen/lemming for one, walks his or her own degenerate hobo road.
They can be anti Russia and still end up being an apologist in the moment by coming up with excuses why a country that constantly violates ceasefires violated yet another ceasefire.
It’s a theory he/she seems to have brought up as a theory, not a personal apologia. “You must chill! The Ukrainians have taken our keys! You Must Chill!” No one here has any love for Putin, but we often disagree on how to deal with him. For example I, personally, verity_kindle, ladywoman of North America, would like to see galloping gonorrhea catch up to all Russian military leaders, so I can win the pool. Your mileage may vary. Righthandofikaros’s mileage may vary. Be cool.
I mean if we’re all giving suggestions…
Whew, it is sort of vaguely safe for work. No pics. A brief reference to Putin’s reaction is under “Aftermath” sub-heading, well worth a read.
Oh please, Putin writes his own ineffective and wrong puff-pieces, he doesn’t need my help on as insignificant of a platform as Lemmy.
Who’s going to be an Apologist for a nation that is in year 3 of their special operation meant to last only 3 days? Lol.
Hitler promises to not invade the rest of czechoslovakia
Chaimberlin returns home, waiving the paper in the air, declairing war to be avoided and we erected statues of him and every day on the 5th march we celebrate chaimberlin day!
Random: Hitler invaded the rest of czechislovakia
Chaimberlin: What?
Random: Hitler invaded the rest of czechislovakia
Chaimberlin to Hitler: you lied to me
Hitler: what do you expect? I’m hitler
ah, oversimplified.