• mean_bean279@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Nebraska gets one electoral vote per 400k people. California gets 1 per 731k. Nebraska gets two senators to represent 2 million people while California gets two senators to represent 39.5 million people.

    Stop acting like this is some moment of Nebraska having progressive clarity. It isn’t. Had states like Nebraska with unproportional representation actually voted for more progressive candidates we wouldn’t be in this boat. But sure, bemoan the states who have tried to do something but can’t because of an antiquated system. Even though nothing would have changed since Trump also won the popular vote this go around anyways.

    Also, Kamala didn’t lose because she was a moderate. She lost because she’s a mixed race woman. Not saying progressive policies aren’t my values and aren’t appreciated, but people want to look at Kamala and think we lost because she had a middle ground personality rather than the harsh reality that the voter base isn’t ready for a mixed race woman to lead the country.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Stop acting like this is some moment of Nebraska having progressive clarity.

      The issue is that Democrats, and the neoliberal caucus in particular, have gone out of their way to misunderstand and therefore give up on, or to run in an entirely wrong manner, for seats that are very, very winnable.

      As you point out, Nebraska has a 20:1 ratio of people to Senators relative to California. That means your electoral “dollar” goes 20x farther in Nebraska than it does in California. And as is evidenced above, they hate their Republicans almost as much as they hate Democrats, like most of America.

      Also, Kamala didn’t lose because she was a moderate. She lost because she’s a mixed race woman.

      Miss me with this neo-liberal fucking dipshit take. Get the fuck out of here with this. She lost 100% because of her rightward step, and sure, being a mixed race woman would have been an uphill struggle, but America elected a black man named Barrack Hussein Obama, in the fucking war in the god damned middle east, because they thought he represented what he campaigned on: change. Yes its a sexist and racist country, but far, far more-so, it is a country desperately trying to change the status-quo politics which quite literally aren’t working for anyone.

      If you are so pudding brained this is the lesson you learned from 2024, you will never win another election in this country again. Before Kamala pivoted to right wing positions (prior the convention), her polling was on headed straight to the fucking moon. Why? Because the only things people had to go off of to estimate who she was, was her 2020 primary platform: And its a super fucking popular platform. Its the platform that Bernie ran on. Its the platform that got Biden elected.

      She was cruising on a rocket ship to be in the range of 53-56% by election day. And then the fucking moderate Democrats stepped in. With their fucking “well reasoned” arguments about centrism and courting the “moderate Republicans”. And she stepped to the right. She cut a speaking position for a Gazan delegate to give space to a “moderate Republican”. She chose to platform Liz fucking Cheney, who lost her primary with 25% of the vote. Harris quite literally said that she would “do nothing fundamentally different” and that “nothing would change” under her Presidency.

      Get to the back of the fucking bus with this shit, because if this is the political wisdom you coming to the table with, we can not afford to have you leading.

      • mean_bean279@lemmy.world
        20 hours ago

        Telling someone to “get to the back of the bus” while in the same comment trying to say Race didn’t play a factor is some major yikes.

        Hilary Clinton was also “cruising” at those ranges and lost too… because of the electoral college and middle America. Considering you make racist ass statements I wouldn’t expect you to understand the intricacies or Misogyny and race as a factor into Kamala. I’m not even a supporter of her. I called her losing the second they announced she was the new candidate.

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          19 hours ago

          Telling someone to “get to the back of the bus” while in the same comment trying to say Race didn’t play a factor is some major yikes.

          You are right on the origins of that phrase. And maybe its time for white, neoliberal, corporate mediocrity to take a back seat to black, brown, and other approaches to politics within the party, considering that was the white Democrat neoliberal politics that have been continuously losing ground for almost a decade.

          I’m not even a supporter of her. I called her losing the second they announced she was the new candidate.

          And called her losing as soon as she was announced? Bruh you didn’t even give her a chance? I was one of the strongest voices here asking Biden to step down and as soon as I heard she was the candidate I hopped into that coconut tree. Donated, dialed, organized. She went from being at 36% in the polls to over 50% practically overnight. She had real momentum. And when she stepped away from the politics people though she had, the ones she ran on in 2020, and stepped towards conservative white voters, she began to slip, and slip continuously till election day.

          You can’t keep blaming structural issues or the electorate. They are what they are, and you know what they are before you ever slip on your walking shoes to campaign. The Harris campaign made bad choices when it came to how to campaign, and what to focus on. Blaming sexism or racism is an excuse that gives Democrats more space to continue to become a whiter, less inclusive, less representative party.

    • balssh@lemm.ee
      1 day ago

      I’m not an american, but man did Kamala and Biden look washed up as fuck. The same thing is happening in Europe/Romania too: washed up politicians that are tone deaf to the majority of people and then are surprised pikachu face when they lose. It boggles my mind almost no one comes up with (and is LOUD about it) things that favor the middle/working class.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      19 hours ago

      Had states like Nebraska with unproportional representation actually voted for more progressive candidates we wouldn’t be in this boat.

      Omaha, Nebraska is fully owned and operated by Berkshire Hathaway. The state’s legislature is fully in their pocket. The statewide representation is entirely Buffett/Munger pilled.

      People will tell you these guys are liberals, then get all google-y eyed when the states put up straight fascist representation decade after decade, while the billionaire class goes on TV and says “Gee, I wish this wasn’t happening to you all.”