For me, it’s ublock origin, libredirect, and Dark Background Light Text
edit: woah, that’s a lot of addons! I’ll have to check those out at some point!
uBlacklist which allows you to block websites from google search results and barbreaker which removes the annoying clickbars that follow you down the page
- MD Reader or Markdown Viewer
- Ruffle
- imagus
Libredirect? What does it do?
redirects links to alternative clients/frontends. for example, redirecting youtube links to go to invidious, piped, freetube, etc.
Essentially redirects site X to site Y. It has a focus on privacy oriented websites/alternatives. So for example you have have be redirected to a invidious instance or freetube. Or have reddit be redirected to a proxy interface for reddit.
Recommend checking it out, works quite well! I even self host many of these alternatives myself and have reddit redirected to my own libreddit instance for when I need to view someone’s post.
Cool, thanks!
Consent-O-Matic if you’re in Europe.
that looks pretty cool
We get those cookie pop-ups outside of Europe as well.
True that. I was actually thinking of GDPR consent, but I guess you’re right. There’s something for everyone 🤣
Unlock origin, no script, bit warden, privacy badger
UltimaDark is a good dark mode addon to.
Indie wiki buddy to redirect the cancerous fandom wikis to the infinitely better breezewiki
Can libredirect do this? Interesting will have to investigate further
yeah they do have the option to redirect fandom links :D
I’m loving this, redirecting so many cancerous sites automatically
Good looking out
In addition to the ones others already described(uBlock origin, return youtube dislike) i like to have snowflake to help the tor network.
Swift Selection Search is one of my all-time favourite plugins for anything ever.
Most of them have already been listed, but on top of that there’s reloadevery (automatically reload pages after X seconds) and NextPrev Page to basically go to the next/previous ID in a URL.
Don’t forget ghostery
Apart from the already mentioned uBlock etc, I like “Clippings”, “Replace” and “Dark Background and Light Text”
There is also qcopy that does this for the whole operating system.