Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Ironically, I swing by old.shittyplace.com to check out /r/conservative and/or /r/askaconservative every so often to see if any of them are starting to figure it out yet (spoiler alert: they aren’t, or they are celebrating it), and they always have a first page thread about how Reddit is just a liberal recruiting mouthpiece these days etc etc.
Today is no exception.
And for a bonus they have a thread about how Ask Reddit is just out of control with bait for conservatives - I took a peek and there are two current threads that have anything at all to do with conservatives.
The conservative persecution complex is strong, never fear.
Remember, conservative voices must be getting silenced because they never shut the fuck up telling us so.